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Posts posted by JimTotMeThat

  1. All those people saying that only snoozy slow songs can be mature remind me so much of these people preaching how the beatles were the greatest thing that happened to music, ever.


    Sia is like 10 years older than Lana so i guess she has to be terribly immature for her age

    It's not that the older you get the slower you get, it's more that her style is starting to be honed in. Sia is older and all her songs sound the same to me, that's capitalizing on on a style that's getting more mature as she writes, has nothing to do with tempo exactly, although Lana maturing does include a common tempo... if you want Sia listen to Sia, if you want BTD listen to BTD, if you want T swift listen to Tswift, if you don't want slow xanax songs listen elsewhere! And screw the Beatles!

  2. She has always made mid-tempo songs. She's mentioned how she's inspired by jazz undertones COUNTLESS numbers of times. I though maybe whoever bought Honeymoon knew this and would probably support her with whatever she did but I guess not (which is totally okay). Just simply move on like I did with Gaga after Born This way as ARTPOP/Joanne have both been :) to me.


    Yes!! She's always gonna be the genius behind her music! It's getting more mature and ethereal! 0rgasmic

  3. this idea that "mature" music has to be a slow-paced snoozefest is ridiculous. go listen to "from the choirgirl hotel" by tori amos who was 35 when it was released. it's a mature album but it's not boring and one-note. go figure!


    i would never expect lana to make music that i could shake my ass at in the club or even want that. but she's afraid to go outside of her comfort zone and we all know it. it would be nice for her to push some boundaries again or at least make an album that has some variety in it. she's capable of it.

    She's definitely pushing boundaries in terms of her sound and atmosphere, it wouldn't make sense for her to go outside of her comfort zone in terms of her tempos or dragged out phrases. Why would an artist care to do that who is successfully expanding their minds sound and story and who's famous, rich, a genius?

  4. I'll always be hoping for an acoustic album from her, or also an UV without the strings. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the strings. It just could be nice to hear a different atmosphere of dark reverb n shit! Also I'm a huge fan of her beats in Art Deco, Freak, HBTB, it would be interesting to hear if she'll continue that! The 808s make me feel things in my body.

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