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Posts posted by Shadowheart

  1. Completely forgot about the mix! These casual straights taking over my life, uh!

    I love the dramatic ending as I've told you before, ily, definetly getting rid of all the messy snippets of the queen bee lady from my library now :kiss3:

    ilysm, i'm glad you like it :heart:

  2. If you search for Lana Del Rey Vevo on youtube it says that the channel has 31 videos on it. But only 30 videos actually show up, that means one video is set on private. Do you have any clue about Lana bringing one of her old vids private on Vevo account? Or is this YAIL :oopna:


    EDIT: I was thinking about Honeymoon video but i thought that she's had it on her private Lana Del Rey account, not on the VEVO one.

  3. I want to know something: how do you guys feel about High by the Beach being the lead-single of Honeymoon?

    Like, when it was finally released, did you guys feel disappointed or did you like it? Were you let down or were your expectations overcome?


    And what if Honeymoon's lead single had been Music to Watch Boys to?

    Would you have liked it? Do you think it'd have been better if MTWBT had been the lead-single instead of HBTB?


    I absolutely love HBTB, was my favourite song out of HM alongside with Freak for a long time. When it was released it was fresh, catchy, it was something new, i loved the upbeat chorus and modern ish Lana. The music video seemed basic after first watch but then it got more and more interesting, people have found some hidden meanings in it.


    I don't think that MTWBT is appropriate for radio and a lead single. Yeah, it's a bit faster than a regular Lana's song, it's catchy but still, meh. i think that it wouldn't sell any better than HBTB did.


    EDIT: Also, in my opinion MTWBT MV is the worst Lana's music video all time. Literally nothing happened in it, just some cute posing by Lana and thats it.. Underwater scenes were totally useless since they've played bigger role in Freak video. Lazy, basic music video that brought nothing into HM era, just a cute visual. Would be great for a headphones advertisement tho.


    :um3: :um3: :um3:

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