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Posts posted by Shadowheart


    5 minutes ago, DLT said:

    It is an overall vibe/atmosphere it creates. I love the raw/improvised feel to it. I feel like it is a very divisive track and very much an acquired taste. It just really feels like you can feel her mood. The song just kind of lingers and radiates in the air, it is palpable. I feel like it is some heavy sad girl shit that is easier to relate too if you've dealt with some darker/heavier shit in your life. Although that isn't a necessary requirement lol and doesn't mean you will like it if you have. It is all subjective after all. It just triggers a sense of nostalgia for me that I can't quite describe. I have been where she is in that song. While the feeling is dark and almost suffocating it is also very heady and hypnotizing. I def think it is a track you will either get or not, love or hate lol.


    thank you for sharing your touch on the track, i get the point but idk if i have listened to some shady LQ version or sth, but it doesn't give me such emotions at all ;c


    2 minutes ago, cru3lworld said:


    it's not our job to convince you to like it. we can't make you have taste :hooker:


    just ew

  2. Just now, Cacciatore said:


    I was not talking specifically about you because like I said I've been away for the past few months and I've not been following what you guys say or don't say about her. But if you fit in that category of "I only come here to complain" then yes grow the fuck up and log off. Bye!


    i do not fit into that category, i am already grown up but i will however log off because of how toxic and close minded u are and i dont want to waste any more energy or time in trying to have a decent conversation. bye!:)

  3. 3 minutes ago, Cacciatore said:


    Totally agree! But it looks like all some of y'all do is criticise her. I've been on this forum for almost three years and ever since I've got here I see some people come here to only criticise her and nothing else. If you're THAT unhappy about Lana/her work/whataver then just log the fuck off and let people who want to enjoy things enjoy them! I've been kinda iirked about Lana and COCC for the past months and instead of coming here every day and every hour to whine about everything that's wrong with Lana or her work I just logged off and kept distance because I know a lot of people around here are excited and want to enjoy the pre era/rumours/slow burn of it all. If some of y'all don't want to enjoy things then grow the fuck up and log off.


    well am i the one who only criticises her? i think not so i would appreciate if you didnt tell me to grow the fuck up and log off while replying to my post cause THIS is toxic, not being a negattive nancy

  4. 1 minute ago, honeybadger said:
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    if you hate the rollout, the prerelease, etc SO MUCH, just tune it out... i never payed attention to prereleases until this era and it's made it all the more blissful for me :makeup2: not telling anybody here they should not engage in the forum AT ALL, just suggesting if it makes you miserable and makes you hate lana and her music, then maybe consider not tuning in next time



    it's literally fine to criticize and artist and their work and to have conversation... and anyone can post here who wants to i don't think anyone here cares about it. i personally love seeing people pop in every once in a while and join in on the conversation.

    but when someone says "lana is a boomer, a karen" and she's "lazy af", "tiring and annoying", "doesn't even try", "karen stereotype" i don't think anyone is going to receive that particularly well


    well some people are receiving that well because its a way they feel


    i dont feel at all that my post that offended u so much was offensive at all, i said that what she is doing or not doing in this case, seems like she doesnt try, it gets tiring and annoying and puts her in a certain stereotype. this is how i feel and i will stand by it

  5. also let me remind yall that an artist forum is not a place to only treat the artist like some kind of god, but also to criticise and say some neggative opinions if someone feels that way.. at least thats what i thought it was, it makes room for conversation


    also please dont treat occasionally posting peeps like they re worse than everyday stans here, people have right to come here just before the album releases to check for some news and details and they have the same right to comment on whatever topic they want right

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