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Everything posted by Tammy

  1. Tammy

    Last thing you bought

    (Expensive) tea - I've had a cold.
  2. Avril Lavigne Lana Del Rey Chris Isaak
  3. Lana played tonsil tennis with fans. There was also a video, but it's gone again. http://static.a-z.ch/__ip/dSh159Jw1Doot6tOM_nNWjswGKc/710cf972a51dda55855848db751de5ab41872379/teaser-tiny/panorama/people/lana-del-rey-zuengelt-nach-konzert-mit-fans-und-luca-ruch-geht-in-die-luft-124608636
  4. Here's a litte report: http://www.telebasel.ch/de/tv-archiv/&id=366825250 They showed Lana.
  5. I haven't googled any, did you?
  6. This is f*ckin' narrow-minded!
  7. That's 'LANAISM'. A fan group from Poland that have different nice places on the WWW. https://www.facebook.com/Lanaism Here you can see the cool shirts they created and they have worn at Lana's concerts.
  8. You are just too blind to see ... and some of you are more interested in all these fucking rumors the press spreads instead of really watching the movies and listening to the songs. Tell me 5 movies & songs of hers without searching Google! I bet you can't!
  9. You don't have to have a major movie to show your talent. There are many actors out who love to do low budget movies and who also love to work with people who haven't got a huge name yet. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0420087/ This was a great movie with Lindsay & Meryl Streep.
  10. That reminds me of these girls from Poland who stood beside me during the concert last week. They wore a shirt on which you could read this: LANAISM A new religion ...
  11. There was another one, but the system does not let me post it here. http://www.google.de/imgres?q=lana+del+rey+basel&sa=X&hl=de&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&tbnid=Cwt_zhzfsTDYKM:&imgrefurl=http://www.basellandschaftlichezeitung.ch/basel/basel-stadt/mit-popstar-lana-del-rey-in-eine-hoffnungsvolle-messe-zukunft-126452580&docid=9qSL2j6Q3rucVM&imgurl=http://static.a-z.ch/__ip/peUCQmQfhTWCykQBfMXd-1mO9To/ac17e46f93b64af34334c7715d1c1b0d3df4f626/remote.adjust.rotate%253D0%2526remote.size.w%253D2500%2526remote.size.h%253D1667%2526local.crop.h%253D1311%2526local.crop.w%253D2150%2526local.crop.x%253D36%2526local.crop.y%253D169,assetRelationTeaser-detail/asset_image_gallery/i/126452562&w=569&h=347&ei=mSB4UZ_iHYat4ASi6YH4CA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1111&vpy=224&dur=187&hovh=175&hovw=288&tx=94&ty=84&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=227&start=0&ndsp=55&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:106
  12. Well, as a hater you might don't know anything about her & her projects but that gossip shit. It's a waste of time to discuss with you. If you don't like her simply stay away from this topic and listen to Lana!
  13. Well, I think you have your ears & eyes out of position! She achieved more in her young life than you will ever do ... So fuck off!
  14. Do you think that stupid comment derserves an English reply? I don't think so! Good Night!
  15. Nicht wirklich, nee! Und auch nicht 'Groupie'! Um das mal klarzustellen! Aber 'Music Lover'.
  16. Damn, she looks so good, I wish I was there.
  17. Ah yes, I am not on Twitter & Co, so I don't 'follow'. I am a Google search person ... but thank you for being on Twitter to update me!!!
  18. You were there? Thanks for the amazing pics!!! <3
  19. Don't know, I am not there LOL ... maybe we can read about it tomorrow on the WWW and will get pics!?!
  20. Yeah, keep us updated, please!
  21. Yeah, don't like that 'name' much. The girl in that song seems to be much different from me ... I am still 'Rockhouse'.
  22. No context; she sang her songs, the fans sang along, and she said 'My Little Carmens' to the female fans.
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