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Iconic Soul

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  1. Iconic Soul liked a post in a topic by evilentity in The Mike Mizrahi Movie Mystery Megapost   
    As I've alluded to previously on LanaBoards, and mentioned on my covers-themed Lana Del Reydio show, I've been sitting on some information relating to Mike Mizrahi since June. I sat on it for a long time because I soon became aware of their relationship and I don't feel it's appropriate to dig into Lana's personal relationships with people who are not otherwise public figures, especially naming names, unless there's a clear song reference. And even though I found information of legitimate interest to fans, I didn't know of a way to share it without pointing people in his direction. But since their relationship has already been discussed quite extensively, I now feel there's no harm in revealing the information I found.
    Lana has an actress profile on IMDb under Lizzy Grant (I). It lists three films she was supposedly in, all of which take place in NYC and were filmed there. Two of the films, Ho's and Mo's and Mr. Finch are short films directed by Michael L. Mizrahi.
    A quick Google search turns up his Youtube account, IamMikeMizrahi. Both films appear to uploaded to this account in their entirety, each split into two parts.
    Ho's and Mo's
    Mr. Finch
    The IMDb page for Ho's and Mo's shows Lizzy Grant playing a character named Gina. But neither her nor her character are listed in the film's end credits. If you watch the whole thing, you'll see that she's not in it. However, take a look at the lone comment at the bottom of the Youtube page for Part 1. UhaulJoe (one of Lana's YouTube accounts) writes "Love this movie!!"
    The IMDb page for Mr. Finch shows Lizzy Grant playing a character named Katie Finch.
    Again, neither her nor her character are listed in the film's end credits. Based on the age of the Mr. Finch character, if she were to play a Katie Finch, she'd probably have to be his daughter, but there's nothing about that in the plot.
    The third movie listed on the Lizzy Grant (I) IMDb profile is White Irish Drinkers which is a feature length film. Lizzy Grant is supposed to have a small role playing a character named Diane. Guess who IMDb lists as a location manager for this film? Yep, Michael L. Mizrahi. Looking through his IMDb profile and other online profiles, it's clear his main profession is as a location scout/manager. (A child actor with a decent IMDb resume named Regan Mizrahi has a larger role in the film, but looking at his Wikipedia page-- yes, this kid has a Wikipedia page-- I don't think he's related. "Son of an actress and a doctor." Although, I supposed it's possible the doctor is not his biological father.) Again, there's no Diane in the movie.
    However, I checked out the film from the library and I'm 90% sure I spotted her as an extra. I showed these snapshots to Maru and CalendarGirl back in the days of LDR.FM, and they were 100% certain is was her. She's in the far right of the frame:
    Here's one CalendarGirl took:
    Now before you rush out to buy White Irish Drinkers to complete your Lana collection I should tell you that it looks like kind of a shitty movie and those are the only frames of the entire film that she's in. It rivals those vocal samples I found on that Tamarama song in terms of insignificance.
    But WTF is going on here? My suspicion is that this was an exercise in resume padding. Possibly to try to secure roles in other films. Perhaps Poolside, the Rex Arrow film, or

    I also suspect that the Knocks from the Underground review he wrote may have been a friendly or planted interview. (It wouldn't be the first. The Index magazine interview was done by Brea Tremblay, another musician who played at the same Songwriter's Hall of Fame New Writer's Showcase and was also mentored by Bob Leone.) I suspect this based on the fact that they were supposedly together two years (according to a source extremely close to the situation ) in conjunction with the fact that a
    was uploaded to his YouTube account in November 2010 means they had to have been living together at least a couple months prior to the February 2009 Arlene's Grocery show he reviewed, unless their living together overlapped his marriage, which I doubt, or he married the other woman almost immediately after they broke up and the source is exaggerating the two years time frame somewhat. Although, this Facebook post, which predates that show by only a few weeks, sure doesn't sound like they were living together yet. 

    I don't know. It's all very strange. But if they were living together at the time of that interview, it means she might have had more control over its content.
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