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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. lana if ur reading this just pick 2 i don’t have this much money
  2. edit: see above but i’ll still leave this post up cuz it’s a shorter version of what i said in the other one
  3. edit : y’all i’m tired i’m sorry i’m overreacting cuz i guess this was a venue for me to release some emotions about stuff that i’m stressed about irl and if y’all could just ignore this that’d be great lol
  4. it’s just annoying to see people constantly calling her lazy and saying how unhappy they are with her behavior and this era. like i’m tired... like i said in my post yesterday, this should be an enjoyable space and it’s really not anymore because all anyone is doing is complaining or fighting or just generally saying something negative. so like literally why don’t we just make another thread if y’all wanna continue to fight over whether or not lana owes us her art or not or complain about the wait and silence or whatever. cuz i’m so goddamn tired of seeing it in here
  5. whenever i’m home alone i sing btd/paradise songs with those dramatic vocals she used to do (think million dollar man hackney weekend 2012) cuz it’s fun and every single time my cat meows at me like she’s telling me to stop bc it’s annoying her or she sounds concerned bc she thinks i’m in pain lol
  6. okay this thread seems to have calmed down a little now and i don’t wanna set off another bomb but, n e ways stream mac and try to be thankful for something. i’m just tired of the constant negativity on here, i want this to be a fun, enjoyable space. sure contradicting opinions are allowed but it just feels so overwhelmingly negative that it’s not very fun to be on here bc everyone is fighting each other or trashing lana. why don’t we all go compliment people or something idk y’all i’m just tired. can we go back to having fun now
  7. Sugar Venom

    Word Association

    beastie boys (they opened for her in the 80s okay )
  8. banned bc i still see your icon as joan cusack and as a consequence read all your posts as if you’re her
  9. very well said! i think this is part of the issue too, as she moves towards maturity and making healthy decisions and healing, she loses relatability to her fans that aren’t in that headspace yet. it’s “easier” (not really, but it feels better in the moment) to romanticize your problems, to glamorize them and make them seem dreamy and alluring, but you get to a point where you realize instant gratification/validation isn’t worth it and in the long run doing things differently as uncomfortable or painful as that may be, is the better choice because it shapes your future into something different (healthier/more positive). the trouble is that she’s known to the GP as the tumblr sad girl so like.... i get why she might feel stuck or trapped. or even as she gains independence, i feel like there’s a level of spite because she doesn’t want to cave to be what her label wants or what her “fans” or listeners want, but she’s not in a position of direct power so all she can do is Not do something. like, okay you want me to write more of this narrative but i don’t relate to that anymore., i made this album with a different narrative, so what are you gonna do about it? we’ve seen her fight with what her team wants vs what she wants before so like... idk. i feel like they’re like okay we’ll just promote other people and put you on the backburner to teach you a lesson (do what we want) and lana’s stubborn ass is like okay fine i’ll just have fun taking surfing lessons with my boyfriend and doing watercolors and learning to fly a plane while y’all do that, cuz i’m not budging either, so thanks for the vacation <3 ps i already told my fans about the album so anyways sorry for that ramble but you’re right, even with her way older may jailer sirens kind of songs, we still see that as she shows maturity her lyrics get hyper specific again i wonder why that is? all of her more grandiose stuff seems more like escapism, so it’s like concepts rather than actual experiences. even the difference in how she sings, may jailer has a sensibility in her voice whereas lana del ray is playful and mischievous and maybe even supernatural, and lana de rey is lamenting and romantic, etc
  10. ur right... maybe it should be an exclusive discord discussion instead and the thread is where people can publicly beg for our approval to be added
  11. okay i know i partake sometimes so i don't wanna sound hypocritical but can we make a separate thread for fighting about her behavior/career?? i have a headache
  12. Honeymoon 18 God Knows I Tried 26 Salvatore 32 The Blackest Day 47
  13. never talked with you but i always enjoy your posts!! and i loooved ur old avi so much even though i have no idea who it was or what the picture was from lmao
  14. 10 it’s so fucking funny every time i see it
  15. it is and yet i love it so much:’) miss lana del rey with her glamorous hair and makeup performing her incredible cinematic music in a dress that looks like the old beach towel i keep in my trunk for emergencies..... i litcherally love her so much
  16. i feel like she’s caught up musically to where she is in life, so what more can she write about yknow? her poems and lyrics from this era are clearly reflective of her present, so was lfl. but also like she has hundreds of unreleased songs that she could easily pick a few to re-record/give a new production to, but god knows if she did that there would still be people like us complaining that we need NEW content, a NEW masterpiece to cry ourselves to sleep to. pressure from her label, pressure from her “adoring” fans (that only adore her when she does exactly what they want, right down to her goddamn acrylic nails and hair length like jesus y’all...) it’s no wonder she might be feeling a little burnt out or reluctant to release something and draw attention to herself. i’m sure being in the industry she is it’s hard to find real friends too, so she might be feeling lonely or like no one understands. which might be why we’ve seen her try to disappear in public. she’s trying to act like she’s not famous cuz maybe she’ll find more genuine friends that way? idk i’m v tired and sorry for rambling but like i don’t blame her for being tired if she is. i’m not excusing the lack of communication and constant lies but i can understand how trapped she might feel. how “real” is life when you’re famous and everyone tries to attach themselves to you for their own personal gain? and when people expect you to be someone that you’ve moved on from? that i’ve been dying for something real, hello it’s the most famous woman you know on the ipad, etc edit: also forgot to say like yeah she has HUNDREDS of unreleased songs of varying topics... so like she’s pretty much covered everything. WE might be thinking, ugh when will she give us *insert expectations based on any of her past personas/interests/etc* or the gp is thinking lana del ray summertime sadness tumblr sad girl give us another album that we may or may not like! but she’s thinking, ugh, i’ve already sung about everything i’m passionate about, i don’t know what more i can do without repeating myself at this point (which would also make me feel not very authentic) or pretending to be someone i’ve moved on from for other people and having to deal with fans projecting their emotional traumas onto me/my music at concerts and when they see me on the street which is really emotionally exhausting... anyways i still want a christmas album
  17. as much as this wait has been literal hell if she released the album on the same day she released mary jane’s appointment conflict that would be kinda cute and i wouldn’t be AS mad....... idk
  18. i hope she just releases it as merch or bundles it w nfr on her website cuz i really don’t want this to delay the album
  19. god i hope ur right, her performances this summer have been so refreshing seeing as it looks like she’s actually enjoying them, putting effort into singing/her appearance/etc. it got me rehyped whether that’s for better or for worse idk but it seems like she has enough energy to keep a momentum now, especially with the promo she’s getting from charlie’s angels and doin’ time. next logical step would be to put out a lead single with a pre order or tease us w the album trailer or something
  20. 10! the daisies are so cute
  21. ugh i didn’t even think of that... but she’s been pretty glammed up at her recent concerts?? maybe it’ll be a no makeup makeup type thing
  22. i really really really hope the stuff from pam’s ig is for NFR, whether it’s an album shoot or a music video or perhaps even the album trailer... wait do y’all think we’re getting one (trailer) this era?? either way i feel like something is coming. not extremely soon since it seems like things are still in the works but idk it feels like there’s finally a momentum with her shows and possibly pam’s ig... idk maybe i’m just too excited and i’m setting myself up for disappointment but at least i’ll have fun while i’m doing it.. life is short!
  23. cinnamon was sold to ariana grande omg get ur knives ready girls
  24. i wish we could have the actual music at some point during july but i’ll settle for a preorder i guess....... but who knows if we’ll even get any sort of acknowledgement that the record even exists
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