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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. so if lizzy grant wears makeup and styles her hair then who is this girl when she’s barefaced? someone who doesn’t exist? a new persona we haven’t formally introduced to yet? as someone who used to do a full face of makeup and style my hair every day basically since i was allowed to wear makeup, post on ig all the time and be active on social media etc; i haven’t worn makeup in two years bar special occasions like weddings and stuff, i haven’t used heat on my hair except maybe once or twice a year otherwise i wear my natural texture, my ig is anonymous and i don’t post at all i just use it to get notifs for when my friends and fave musicians post, all my social media is anonymous now too and like u get the point.. but i’m so much happier now than i was back then. i don’t feel the need to perform femininity for others cuz i’m just fine being myself. my self esteem and self confidence is so much better. like u said, we can think it’s entirely different what she’s going through and i too believe in psychology, but just because you guys think this new lana is a “step down” from the old lana or whatever doesn’t mean it actually is. she’s grown and changed. i doubt we’re all the same person we used to be back in 2012 when she was always glamorous too. you can call her selfies ugly but they really aren’t. there’s no such thing as ugly, just perceived value based on how conventionally u fit into european beauty standards and whatever is “trendy” at the moment. it feels like a lot of ppl on here think that she’s losing her worth because of how she’s changed and it’s really disheartening because they’re associating her natural state as less than when she complied with societal standards and i’m really tired of it
  2. tbh seeing comments about her image/“new persona” are really bothersome. i don’t know how her natural, bare face is less genuine than when she’s wearing eyeliner/lip liner/lash extensions/ etc.. she’s dressed causally her whole life. i mean she used to perform in jeans and that god awful green capitol records shirt for gods sake like,, idk. women will never be free huh. first you all diagnosed her with depression when she stopped wearing makeup and started tying her hair back or had some frizz. now because she does yoga and drinks matcha she’s basic with no personality? even tho these things really have nothing to do with her personality?? and besides, yoga and matcha are healthy, wholesome things. do you want her to go back to being an alcoholic?? my personal taste is very glamorous but i don’t dress like that day to day, it’s exhausting. i’m sure even moreso when you’re a celebrity and every time you leave your house you’re expected to perform for the public even if it’s just getting groceries. just let her exist naturally she doesn’t need lash extensions and fresh acrylics and an outfit that shows off her bare legs every time we see her . it’s like you guys forget ldr is a persona and a character she performs on stage for us, she’s not Lana Del Rey born to die cola honeymoon west coast million dollar man when she’s getting ice cream and window shopping with her friends. she’s lizzy grant (aka HERSELF). she doesn't have to be lana del rey when she doesn't want to. i think what we're seeing now is just lizzy grant, the most genuine version of herself because…. it’s her??? maybe some of u would like a refresher
  3. aw i didn't mean to get other people in trouble too i'm so sorry!! @@Elle can i take the warning point instead since i was the one who shared it originally?? plus technically i posted it twice and he only did once
  4. thank you!! sorry i was so excited at finding it i wasn't even thinking about stuff like that but it wont happen again i promise!
  5. eek i'm sorry!!! i thought since it was just a snippet and not even the direct audio that it would be alright?? especially since lana shared a snippet herself should i remove the ig post/delete the pico??
  6. (posted in the Doin' Time thread too but just my hopeful thinking cuz i want her to pull a Blue Velvet and put it on the album ) video is 3rd pic in [removed] maybe someone talented can make an extended snippet
  7. soooooo i found the video someone posted of the end credits, unfortunately since its ig its only 10 seconds long and we don't get to hear that much more than what we already have but still it's more than nothing [removed]
  8. i think it’s really cute and endearing how she doesn’t really know what’s fashionable and it makes me love her even more. she’s just expressing herself and if she wants to wear jeans and a t-shirt w no makeup (as a majority of women do) out to the shops, let her. she’s not performing for you when she’s just out window shopping. i swear some of you feel so entitled to dictating how she should live her life lol
  9. i think when she said top of the new year she must have meant the early month of mid july
  10. oh wow, i don’t even know what to say i can’t imagine losing something like that
  11. i just read what kim gordon said about lana and it made me cry a little lol why is everyone so mean to her and so quick to dismiss her and her
  12. love it!!! thank you for sharing i'm now a stan
  13. i finally gave in and listened to the snippets of cinnamon and WHAT THE FUCK
  14. omg i have that sweatshirt and i almost wore it yesterday!! what is she doing tho
  15. hope has always sounded/felt really draining to me so i don't listen to it very much and like i don't mind piano but what she's been doing sounds so lethargic like .... how do mac and vb fit into all of this maybe she's starting off the record in this depressed state and then it propels forward w hope (NOT the song), recovery, personal strength, determination nd self-assuredness like ending w mac, so vb could be in the middle somewhere or towards the end where she's being nostalgic but not lamenting so it's moving on? like her just being thankful she has those memories to go back to in the first place but not being mad at the person anymore because she's over it and somewhat distanced now so she has perspective or closure or something. idk i'm just rambling but i'll need some sense of resolution otherwise idk how often i could listen to this record in full :/
  16. if this mess really is her doing i'm renaming NFR to The Revenge Of Lana Del Rey in my itunes
  17. sorry this is off topic to what u guys are talking about currently but i hope you're all on board w the synths in venice bitch by now i remember when it first came out yall were like it's a cute song until it sounds like i'm about to get abducted by aliens.... but it's good! the song in general reminds me of the wish u were here album and personally i'm not that much a fan of vb... don't shoot me hjfgsjhdghj i'd just rather listen to wish you were here which is one of the best albums ever in my correct opinion. venice bitch is borderline the kind of sound i don't like at all it's just not my taste and neither is rhcp so i'm....... inch rested to hear the album lol mac is the only one i really like so far and have listened to a lot i actually would die for her
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