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Posts posted by butterflies

  1. Must repeat it Send My Love sounds like Lorde's song


    I NEED video. I already can see Adele in hot pants and some small top and long wig dancing around.

  2. This is reeeeally gooooddDddddd, omgggg :defeated: I just wish the vocals were like +1 louder, because at some points they get drown out by the instrumental. I wish Lana would contact you about doing a remix for her.

    Thannk you sis. I wish that too :defeated:

  3. There has to be a way you can officially remix for lana  :defeated: nothing compares. When will Cedric?

    Universal wants only edm remixes.

    These are for ppl who are not into original stuff...

    Maybe we don't like Cedric's remixes but they helped Lana A LOT. So yeah...

  4. Uuuugh it's so good.


    :derpna: thanks.... 


    EDIT: OMG THIS IS SO GOOD  :party:

    Thank u guys!!!!!


    This is amazing like always  :O You should seriously try contacting interscope with this remix its very good

    Oh they will contact me for copyright infringement :D but thank you!!!


    this remix is soooooooo good I can't wait for Lana's next album Divorce :creep: produced by butterflies

    From ur mouth to God's ears! :oprah: Thank you!


    It's funny I was thinking of you this morning, because I listened to your BTD remix 3 times in a raw, and I HATE BTD album version, and I realized you made exactly he song I wanted to hear, and then I realized I don't even listen to Old Money anymore because your first remix is just... better.


    This remix makes no exception it's absolutely orgasmic, idk how you did it but you found exactly what I would have wanted to hear, I liked the original song but this is really out of this world. Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

    This is huge to me!!!! THANK U SO MUCH :oprah:
  5. V V

    I was hyped af but I can't really get into it, it's done nothing for me

    Idk she got me.

    Her visuals are slaying me so hard.

    Album is on repeat. The only songs that I'm not fully into are 'Talk About This' and 'Sacrifice'. 


    Instincts is EVERYTHING :defeated:

  6. V V

    It's basically a double-sided insert; the cover page is just a colour gradient, the second is the album thank yous, the third has one of the first promo photos we got and the fourth is the album credits. We need to get her to post the lyrics somewhere though because I still can't for the life of me make out the 2nd verse of Lazarus :flop:

    Noooooo :defeated:

    Well queen is replying on twitter and retweeted me once so I'll try to ask her lel

    This album is slaying me. Aoty tbh.

  7. V V

    Just got the CD today and listening through properly; I see she's got a case of the Little Boots syndrome though (i.e. getting the design/aesthetic right yet not bothering to do a proper booklet  :crossed:)

    OmG can you take a photos of booklet please???

    Are there lyrics??? :defeated:

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