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Posts posted by butterflies

  1. This is so beautiful  :oprah: Happy Valentine's day!


    And I don't know why everybody says that Cola is 2nd single from Paradise...
    I think it's 3rd! 1st is Blue Velvet. It's single used for H&M promotion. We got it on cd, vinyl, we got remixes...

    Now we need Burning Desire on vinyl to complete "Born to Die Paradise Edition" discography...

    The most stupid Lana's thing was this song released just on itunes.  :fact:


    Anyway... I'm really in love with this song! She needs to do a video for every song from EP!


    Should I make a remix...?  :brows:



  2. Hello!


    I'm Stalker Sarah and I have the same face in all the celebrities photos I stalk:




    I can give you my mom's phone number to call her and ask how I laughed hard at this pic  :omfg2:


    Btw why Lana has a golden tooth?  :pls: It's so ugly...

  3. Everyone's getting really excited to hear the new material, but forgetting that the film is a musical (isn't it?) in which case Lana won't be singing in the film or on the soundtrack... it'll be the star of the film not Lana...!


    Please...  :lange: DON'T SAY THAT!  :crying2:

    We're living with hope!  :icant:

  4. the middle finger look right here...


    Yes, because I fixed it! xD


    On the third and fourth picture I have this feeling that the left Hand of Lana is Gigantic compared with the other.

    Is my brain playing tricks on me? cuz i read you saying one hand's bigger than the other and now i see giant hands everywhere


    hahahahahahaha I made it because of hand on this photo!  :omfg2:


  5. Except Lana is driving  :P


    I don't know what she finds good about Barrie tbh. But I guess that's love D:






    He is with her cuz of her money. She think that he is really loves her. But after month or two he will do some shit and they will break up and VIOLA! We will get new depressive songs. 

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