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Posts posted by butterflies

  1. i need lyrics goshhh


    I can send you digital booklet if you want  :)


    The whole album is so great, it starts with 'Stranger's Candies Taste Better', which is great, then we have 'Ruby' kinda in the middle of it which is really trippy, and then we end it with my favorite song - ' I Can't Forgive You', which I can imagine myself dancing to it on a disco, really drunk and having loads of fun.


    Congrats, it's as beautiful as your remixes (which are perfect!)

    Thank you :kiss:

  2. So cool ! 


    None of these songs gained a wrinkle, they still sound fresh and cool !


    "Stranger's sweets taste better" sounds so mysterious and naughty but in a very innocent and naive way.

    "Doll" is the best ballad of the album, for me.

    "Cotton Candy" is truly a bop ! It's so fun and catchy and infectious. The melody, the instrumental, the vocals... 


    Those three are really the trinity of the album, as far as I'm concerned ! 


    I didn't really know "Let's Cuddle",  but I'm starting to listen more attentively to it. 


    Again, congratulations kris !

    Thank you boo :kiss:

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