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Posts posted by Mirabel

  1. Bel Air [EP]






    Heavens Door


    Come to me Baby


    In the Light


    Sweet Child of Mine



    ​Angels Forever, Forever Angels [EP]



    ​Sun in Your Eyes


    Easy Rider


    California Proud


    Hell Colored Skies




    Angels Forever





    *I tried*

  2. @Miribel reply #162- a  newbee poster with a couple of posts- with the most presumptious strawman non-sequitur I have ever in my life seen


    Most REAL Lana fans love Honeymoon


    But then Brian Wilson took to his own facebook page to tell the ones who only wanted him to rehash the early Beach Boy Surfing music of the early to mid 1960s

    where to go.


    If people want to hear Born to Die, well, go to the streaming places that count for chart positions, and stream the ^&*( out of it


    @@Elle  Have you noticed the proliferation of new posters almost every single post is 100% negative against Lana.

    Can you check to see these are not socks of posters you banned.

    After all, how in the world would someone even want to come to this board out of nowhere to post negatives against Lana?

    No real fan or supporter would do so

    Makes no logical sense

    Please @@Elle put in a 100 post minimum for any new poster to have their post appear on the board, moderators have that ability.


    And like agitators in the crowd at Kent State, one of whom yelled Fire, once one agitator throws something, a pile-on occurs.





  3. Well, we are a discussion forum and we can say when we dislike something. 


    I srsly hope she would have a return to form in terms of songwriting like on BTD which was miles better and more inspired and filled with life than on HM. I also really hope she is still capable of making choruses that she is nailing and where just doesn't repeat the title over and over. And yes, i still hope she has a bridge in her like on Blue Jeans.


    I hope for better writing and a lil bit more excited delivery and overall more drive. She is in her early 30's, not in her 60


  4. OH MY GOD ive already posted in here but I just remembered a dream from June 2013. I'd known Lana's music for about a year, but I was going on a road trip and would have no internet or reception so I downloaded all her songs i didnt have, including pre-born to die, so that i could get to know all of them in the 2 weeks i was away.


    During this time, I started to realise the themes in each of her songs and really feel her pain and confusion about life, since I'd been through some my own recently. And I had this dream that I turned on the TV and it was like :


    "Lana Del Rey, 27, dies the night before her birthday in a tragic Hotel room fire in Los Angeles"


    And this actually was the day before her 28th birthday, June 20th 2013.

    And I went through this realisation that she did it purposefully to die while she was 27 (make it to the 27 club...). I was actually really worried it was true for the next week because we had no internet or TV or anything to check. I was relieved when we finally got to a town with phone reception that there was no recent news on her.


    Wow, I had a dream about Lana dying......around that time......scary!

  5. I had a dream about Kurt Cobain and Lana Del Rey starring in a movie together.

    In my dream they were zoomed in on at a very emotional moment in the film.

    Lana was sitting in Kurt's lap, crying and begging him not leave, and Kurt brushed her hair back and kissed her cheek, assuring her that everything would be fine.

    Then the camera slowly zoomed out from Kurt and Lana, showing the cameramen and cast in the background.

    The director yelled "cut" and I saw Kurt and Lana still staring at each other, laughing.



    That was the weirdest dream I've ever had. (Besides that one time where I had a dream of a bunch bunnies singing a Nirvana song.)

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