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Posts posted by DanCastro

  1. Don't get me started on how frustrated I am over Lana not tweeting and NOT FUCKING FOLLOWING ME.

    I've been humiliating myself tweeting her for almost 2 years and SHE JUST DOESN'T CARE.

    Seriously, I know she knows who I am...she just chooses to ignore me 'cause she likes the attention  :smokes:

  2. I think everything she wears is very her, things she feels comfortable performing in. Imagine if she performed in the outfit she wore to the Versace show in Milan? 

    I don't really expect much from her wardrobe in performances, she looks stunning and very true to herself in these simple Lace dresses. 

    But I wish she would tone down the crazy make-up, something 60's Hollywood Glamour inspired would be perfect.


    (love this thread btw  :flutter: )

  3. I was going trough MissDaytona yesterday, like I always do when I feel the need to feel closer to Lana.


    I really do think she craved for fame back then, but as soon as she started getting it, she got scared and realized it wasn't all she 

    dreamed of (Ride monologue kinda talks about this)


    Some of my favorites tweets from that account are:

    - Left your town to reach a shore that you dreamed of. that shore dreamt of you too with its caffeinated lipstick, cherry flavored cigarettes (this is so her  :flutter: )

    - sing to me something blue. i want to be made to feel sad by you

    and all the others you guys mentioned..


    Reading this I can't help to fall in love with her all over again and wish I had a time machine to go back to 2009 and see it all happen and be her bugga baby  :D

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