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Posts posted by babydollmeth

  1. could someone pleaseee help me i am desperately trying to find/download this song as well as the other newish leaks like ruby tuesday and neon palmmm, Heard- them on honeymoun’s yt but can’t find them, assume they’re down now. Does anyone have a link?

  2. All the American Symbols are for God Bless America, i think


    And possibly "When the World Was at War, We Kept Dancing"? Also a political bop, though I don't think it's confirmed for the album yet, she's thinking about it still cause I'm pretty sure she's pondering whether it's too controversial for the album cause it's dark but I really wanna hear it tbh

  3. he forgot AKA and from the end and Young Like Me :hdu:



    Annnnnnnd Sirens  :sluttybunny:  :hdu:

    I'm really out of touch lmao but has life is beautiful leaked at all? and if so can someone give me a link lmao I've been on my knees praying for that song since your girl

    Also I bet lana and marina were talking about top secret collaboration info in that vid then they put piano over it to tease our asses

  4. tbh I was really excited when BAR leaked, I loved it because it was sad and it had Lana's old flare. Don't get me wrong, Love is a nice song, but its too happy and major key for me, I need something dark and gloomy, or dramatic and cinematic like Ride. People were talking about her putting Yöur Girl on the deluxe version, is that completely fake or is she actually thinking of doing so?

    why is it whenever I write Yöur Girl without accents it changes to the bee movie script what lil meme child is behind this

  5. I wish people would stop mourning about "Honeymoon". Not everyone thinks is a bad album. I know people are entitled to their own opinions but it gets tiring when every other comment is about that album being bad. I personally don't get it. It's a brilliant record in my opinion. Wish she had continued that sound with the upcoming album but it seems she is going for a "Born to Die 2.0" kind of sound. Nothing bad with it, but I liked the direction she was going with the previous album.


    samee honeymoon was art wyd people

  6. leaks are sadly always gonna happen tbh because some people don't stop to think about the artist and how hard they've worked like it think it was froot that got leaked before the release date??? like the entire album, and that's cause they shipped the vinyls too early :// (I think anyway)

    I feel so so sad about Lana. I've seen messages where Ed is asked if she's still going to release the album and he says he doesn't know and that she isn't okay... Omg...


    that makes me so sad and worried I love my queen so much she doesn't deserve this

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