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Posts posted by Grins

  1. I'm not really keen on caught in the middle it's okay better than boom clap and doing it which I know most fans love

    caught in the middle is my favorite song of SUCKER after Body Of My Own

    the songs that i least like maybe are Die Tonight and Boom Clap

  2. 1. Nuclear Seasons

    2. Take My Hand

    3. Body Of My Own

    4. You're The One

    5. Caught In The Middle

    6. Grins

    7. Glow

    8. Stay Away

    9. What I Like

    10. Secret (Shh)


    no doubt that 'True Romance' is my favorite album ever


  3. Me too! SUCKER will always be my favorite though  :creep:

    i love SUCKER too, but songs like Die Tonight dont let it be my favorite 

    True Romance is a such special album for me, its sad that she probably isn't going to make another album like that  :rollin:

    and sorry for my english, i'm brazilian and i'm like suffering to write simple phrases

    :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:

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