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Posts posted by frankie

  1. i'm all against nazism and white supremacy... but HOW can you be okay with wishing death upon someone who wishes death upon others? you are literally no better. birds of a feather.


    they should be locked up and isolated instead.


    not to sound hostile or anything, because i used to believe that too, that people who wished death on others were equal to the person they wished it on. but remember how many people were killed my nazis and white supremacists, (hint: nazis, around 11 million) and then try to defend saying "we shouldnt be mean to the nazis cuz theyre humans like us!!!"


    why are you defending the people responsible for a movement that killed 11 million innocent people? and then say somebody else, who doesnt support that movement, is equal to them?


    not against your idea of nazis locked up in isolation though

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