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Posts posted by TIARNZUS

  1. abusive asshole operating under the guise of peace + understanding. least favorite beatle tbh


    I'll pray for you trailerparkdarling- you and that disgusting mouth of yours. God Bless


  2. coverLargeSad.png

    This has been canceled due to me not being able to attend the concert. I can't attend the concert because Lana's management merged the two concerts on 15th and 16th May, into just 16th May in a different arena. I had already booked flights to attend and i'm not able to change them.

    We're planning something else, and more details will be announced soon.

    Sorry for anyone who spent time writing their letter, if you would like a copy of your letter back, PM me your name and email address and i will look for it.



  3. :lmao:


    Ha, you fixed the pitch, but not the speed. I literally sound retarded. Try this in Audacity instead: Change pitch without changing speed up from D to F#/Gb. Then change speed, affecting both tempo and pitch by 25%.


    Another fun thing you can play with is syncing it with Lana's monologue. You'll find I synced my pitched vocals almost perfectly with Lana's.


    But you're all focusing on the wrong thing: my vocals. Did any of you stop to think exactly how this was produced? Seriously though, think about it. Think about what you're hearing and what you're not hearing.  :hooker:


    You have the fucking ride instrumental 

  4. It has been confirmed by Lana's record label that she will be releasing the follow up to her album 'Born To Die' on June 24th.


    The album is called 'Trans-am' and will feature collaborations with the hottest in music, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, and Beyoncé.


    Interscope have already released a preview video that includes an unheard song.


    Listen here:




  5. At Lana Boards we aim to give our users the best online Lana Del Rey experience on the web, however, recently - as many of you have noticed - the servers has had many outages, forcing downtime and frequent disconnections from our server for many of our users.

    We've therefore decided to move our servers to a much more reliable server host in El Segundo, California.

    The move is currently happening as you read this, and should be complete by approximately by 10PM UK time [26th march].

    I hope this helps with any questions you might have regarding the move, or what will happen once we're at our new data house. If you do have any questions be sure to post them below.

    Thanks for hanging in there and supporting us through our server outages - believe me, we are just as frustrated with these outages as you are - if not more! We will continue to do what we can to ensure server stability, so we appreciate your continued support while we fix things.

    See you on the other side!


    -The Lana Boards Team

    Information about our new server location:





    The space is in approximately 7,000 square feet currently with room for expansion up to 40,000 square feet. The center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. On-site armed security is around-the-clock. They monitor the alarm system and security cameras that are on all perimeter points of ingress/egress to the building. Bulletproof security station and shipping/receiving areas with a Biometric security system are also in place. Our personnel require authorized escorted visitations. 24” raised floor manufactured by Maxcess covering every square foot of our cages, MDF and Network Operation Center.

  6. Not all of what I said is 'bull' or whatever.  And I don't PM you because you have only answered me once and what I said about moderators being unfreindly is true and ill pm you the link now then and i loved this forum and im just telling you what I think and other people because It be nice to have more members and more back.


    You're trying to disrespect people you don't even know.

  7. The moderators/forum staff/ people with speical benefits don't seem to want to help people and sometimes seem the most mean people on here (because of their postions or whatever) and they have an air of self supeiority about them.


    The forum jobs dont seem to be given out very fairly and some people only got it because of their popularity or other reasons which didnt fit the reasons for being a staff member ect.



    Thats bull. All of the moderators registered within the first week of the launch, (with the exception of ataraxia) They made Lanaboards, without them I doubt we'd be as big as we are now. 


    As for the stickies, you've never PM'd me about this, have you PMd any of the other mods? Or were you just going to keep it to yourself. 

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