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subversive light

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Posts posted by subversive light

  1. Omg I hope this is Summer Bummer tho so 13 Beaches can go harder in beat  :defeated:


    lust for life also known as LUST FOR TWERK, DANCING AND BOPPING AROUND L.A.


    i cant believe im going to learn to twerk this year 

    Let's all stop arguing and find facts about time zones and release times. I'm a bit tipsy and need this track for a proper experience  :whine:


    we're in peace bro we're talking about this snippet - which is a BOP 


    everything is fine now - religion, lana, honeymoo 2015?

  2. but doggo bby if she releases Summer Bop we can twerk to it  in the silence weeks


    well...........then it wouldn't be a silence week anymore (if god exists then we will have it before the album's release, IT'S OFFICIALLY A TEST)


    i would twerk the whole damn month prob, forget the doggos maybe (not)


    the only thing we have is HOPE, never lose it




    imagine doggo twerking omg

  3. It's called "track previews" even if you go into iTunes righ nowt and go into any album you don't own, press play, you will get a 1:30 second preview of the track. In pre-order stage once the album has previews, it's only 0:30 seconds. Some sites put up their previews early, hence we get snippets of album tracks. This didn't happen with Honeymoon, but it happened with Ultraviolence


    i don't give a damn about if it's on soundhound, if it does has something with itunes, i know what it's a preview, most of people do




    bitch what the fuck i just said that im feeling the leaking coming and ur here trying to act smart with me


    i'm not waiting for nothing, not even for july 21


    i've already said myself that "i'll only be sure of things when they come out"




    at least one person in this world has this song and won't leak it


    or will leak it someday


    i don't actualy care if it's going to leak (i prefer to listen in the date since i've waited so damn long) but probably you do care a lot since ur here having a meltdown about someone saying "i can feel the leaking"

  4. if we had another snippet in the sequence it would make sense since it looks like she did something else with steven klein


    Someone from her team or someone from a publishing agency (im not sure which lmao) provides the snippet for the preview (itunes previews for example)


    like (im trying to explain but im sleepy and english is poor af), i cant understand the fact that its so easy to find snippets anywhere then


    itunes wouldn't "leak" a snippet so easily


    they're itunes dude


    and probably they give the snippet to itunes itself, don't they? not to a PUBLISHING AGENCY

    they can do it later

    Okay go ahead and wait for something to leak that has no chance of leaking, idc 7c3020b56a0ceba506acb3a202c92f78.gif


    bitch what the fuck i just said that im feeling the leaking coming and ur here trying to act smart with me


    i'm not waiting for nothing, not even for july 21


    i've already said myself that "i'll only be sure of things when they come out"

  5. How can something leak that no one has ? lol


    someone has the whole song,,,.,. no one has ONLY THE SNIPPET


    even if it doesn't leak - there are good people in the world - it's impossible (nothing it's impossible but anyway) to say that this person has only the damn snippet


    it doesn't even makes sense, and what im going to do with the damn snippet??


    i put a whole bag of snippets up my ass




    don't try to be a bitch with me

  6. Genuinely the worst part of this era is the fact that literally no one is hyping anything up but themselves.


    Won't lie but please stop blaming Lana and her team because your unconfirmed info turned out to be untrue. You'll give yourself another aneurism.


    Like, trust me, if you kick out all of the rumours and leave it to official content your head hurts approximately 20% less


    Just looking out for your mental health babes x


    the only time we can be sure is when the song/video/album is out


    trust no doggo

  7. There's a new banks forum banksvault.net that was just started today, hoping somebody on there has the rest of the instrumentals  :excited:


    im registered there as "subversive"

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