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Posts posted by spookytanooki

  1. Definitely a little messy, but here is my interpretation of the lyrics in relation to the show




    In the land of Gods and Monsters


    [The land of gods and monsters is literally just the world]


    I was an Angel
    Living in the garden of evil


    [The garden of evil represents the freakshow, and Elsa thinks that she is a star, and a normal person, living among monsters. Hence, she's an angel]


    Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed
    Shining like a fiery beacon


    [Again, Elsa thinks she's a star. She's thinks she shines brighter than anyone else, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to become a star in everyone else's eyes]

    You got that medicine I need
    Fame, Liquor, Love give it to me slowly


    [This is about the stranger that Esmerelda speaks about. She tells Elsa that he is going to make her a star]


    Put your hands on my waist, do it softly
    Me and God, we don't get along so now I sing


    [Her life is a mess. She isn't getting what she wants, and she believes that God has abandoned her. She, herself is a "freak" because she is missing the bottom half of her legs, as seen in the first episode. "so now I sing," could just be a transition into the chorus, but it also makes sense that she sings to prove her worth to the world, and that she isn't a freak, and that she is better than everyone else in the show]

    No one's gonna take my soul away


    [This line, to me, kind of seems to steer away from the rest of the song, and instead, references Edward Mordrake. He is said to come and steal the souls of carnies if anyone performs on Halloween, which Elsa decides to do by singing this song]


    I'm living like Jim Morrison


    [Everybody just shut up about this line. It's one thing to change one word, but changing an entire name in the song is a bit more difficult. Additionally, it is an anachronism. Every performance in this show is an anachronism. And anachronisms have already shown up, and will continue showing up thru the entire show. For example, Pepper is a member of the freakshow 12 years before Asylum happens, which makes no sense because Pepper was living at home, and was put in the asylum for allegedly killing her sister's baby, and there is no way that could happen if she was in the freak show. Anachronism. Get used to it.]


    Headed towards a messed up holiday

    Motel sprees sprees and I'm singing
    'Oh yeah give it to me this is heaven, what I truly


    [she wants to escape. She wants to abandon the freak show and become her own act]


    It's innocence lost
    Innocence lost


    [This obviously doesn't fit in so well with the theme, but the lost innocence could be her leaving the freak show, and destroying the lives of all the other freaks]

    In the land of Gods and Monsters
    I was an Angel
    Looking to get hit hard


    [she knows that the freak show is a lost cause. When she is looking to get hit hard, she is talking about the pain when she realizes that she is essentially talentless next to Dot and Bette's act]


    Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer
    Life imitates art


    [Pretty self-explanatory. She acts like she is famous and glamorous, but she has no actual fans or recognition]

    You got that medicine I need
    Dope, shoot it up, straight to the heart please


    [still talking about the stranger and fame]


    I don't really wanna know what's good for me


    [What's good for her is to give up her dream, but that's not what she wants to hear. She is determined to be famous]


    God's dead, I said 'baby that's alright with me'


    [God's dead. Her fate is in her own hands] 

    When you talk it's like a movie and you're making me
    Crazy -

    Cause life imitates art


    [i think this references herself. She wants the world to feel this way about her]


    If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?
    You tell me, "life isn't that hard"

    [Half about the stranger, half about the world. She's asking that if she were different, could she be famous]

  2. :biblio:







    Why does everyone seem so confused? It's a mashup. The name Iggy Azalea is on Crack (So Fancy!). Because it's a mashup of I'm on Crack and Fancy. 

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