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Daisy Hearted

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Posts posted by Daisy Hearted

  1. 1. blue jeans, national anthem, and diet mountain dew or some of the worst songs on btd


    2. btd is lanas worst album (except for sirens, both are very good but out of her whole discography theyre her two weakest albums)


    3. paradise is underrated, a lot of the songs are underrated and the level of hate for yayo paradise version is unnecessary. its not as good as the aka version but its still amazing


    4. shades of cool is the best song in lanas discography. like, out of every song shes ever made


    5. about 70% of lanas unreleased discography is really not good at all


    Amen, especially on point number one.


    I used to like Blue Jeans and National Anthem, but then I recently listened to it again and I found it to be...cringe! 

  2. @hangingatrubytuesdays


    Lana makes her record company far more money in $ for $ in the bank profits

    than Adele or anyone else makes theirs


    and Lana pockets more $ for $ money than most anyone else

    and Lana does the same year for year for year


    and the #1 reason the company would get rid of her, among 1313 reasons, is that

    they would be










    that someone else would sign her, and she would bring just for fun, that company a #1 commercial single.


    Besides, she knows that her record company keeps ordering the other company workers to find new Lana's use them, abuse them, get the #1 songs

    then find another


    all the while Lana smiles and knows it is her music they are buying


    Besides, probably about 1/3 of all Weeknd's streams and downloads, and physical purchases have come from Lana fans,

    so her totals should include his totals. And she didn't have to break a bead of sweat doing so

    (and she profits from each and every download or stream of his album, now its two albums).


    btw, imagine the uproar if it were Lana f'ing up like Adele did three times last night? Meanwhile, Adele idolizes Lana

    (only Adele can make a tribute to George Michael, where people wanted to take in the clips, and steal the applause. (I have nothing against Adele, she is cool).

    (and then her speech, her speech...I though she was going to give the grammy to Beyoncé or something...

    all the while Beyonce' did a Lana in her song too


    The world revolves around Lana



  3. Ok but Lana and her team have never had any type of release strategies lmao why do ya'll think they will this time around. It wouldn't be smart to release as the same time as Lorde or even Ratsley (I can't believe she's really part of LDR's competition now :deadbanana:) but I guess she won't really care


    Side Note: remember when Lana was the only mainstream alternative girlie around and was almost on the same lever as Gaga, Katy etc.


    God I would love for that to happen again :)


    RANT TIME ************************




    I am annoyed at the idea she would have any sort of collaboration with any singer on her album. I don't want her to collab with FJM, Marina, or anyone else because Marina doesn't fit her and I can't imagine her doing a feature with another female singer, it's just not lana for me. And I honestly would be annoyed is she continues covering nina simone when shes not really doing it justice. I don't want any covers unless she does something by peggy lee, other than that I am not here for it.  And FJM is your token hipster try hard and let's be real here, we would know nothing about him if it wasn't for her. He is overrated and will only bring her project down. Her promo or lack of is honestly a mess. Since 2013 it hasn't been persistent or direct in success and I have come to the conclusion that she doesn't want to become a sell out or have so much exposure. I feel like she is right where she wants to be. Because if she wanted to be as big as a britney or your token popstar, we all know she has the chops vocally and thematically to do so, but she doesn't want to. She has matured her direction and likes her fanbase and touring pattern. But her album sales and promo have been going down year by year. I am personally annoyed by her management for not being as active as they one were in her new project and letting things leak and letting whoever have access. I am starting to question the trustworthiness of certain producers, labels, and people on her immediate team as to what their intentions are. Our girl needs to get this sorted because if she waits any longer without any form of notice it is bound to leak. Her managers only come in after something gets out and they aren't doing their job. She doesn't do promo because she doesn't want to or doesn't have the guidance/resources to do it where it would come into comparison to her promo in 2012. And promo is a big deal. Because 85 percent of the people in her fandom would not know about her including myself. Without promo this applies to most artist who are semi new.  



    Additionally people are hating on the idea of a "Snoozer album" or a "honeymoon pt2". I want to let you know that I feel she might be doing this new album in a similar direction of hm in a way that will progress this story even more. So if your against it being dreamlike or similar in california style that shes moving towards, you aren't supporting the story progression and you should honestly listen all over again to her album and see where shes going in the story. Also people expecting it to be like born to die in the sense of fast pace and hip hop style. HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA That would make her plummet even more, you are kidding right? She came in 2012 at the perfect time with the perfect sound that tied in her theme. She can't just revert back to that time and then automatically have success. 





    Please don't be silly in expecting anything besides something lana would do because she sticks to her story and thats why I love her. The album will not be coming any time soon, especially after all the mess that happened. And give her time, mind you BTD took collectively 10 years to be made considering all the label shopping around, outtakes, and such and look at how great it was. UV took collectively three years and look at how impressed we were with her. Give her time. 


    Yes, preach it!


    Also, I might add that there is something we all need to keep in mind.

    We're not even supposed to know about half of the stuff we know right now, and because of this, It's nine times outta ten not gonna be coming anytime soon.

  4. post-16418-0-72620800-1486779424_thumb.jpg



    I know it's lame, but I wouldn't mind a cover with this sort of design.

    Only if her album was a trippy album <3

    here is mine, a bit of UV influence, i'm not great with photoshop but this was fun to make.

    front cover



    reverse cover or back possibly



    I actually like the way that looks! Really neat <3

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