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Everything posted by 111

  1. yeah but everyone thought she had daddy issues when wbk it was mama issues all along
  2. its somewhere in the pits of LB i think it might be cocc pre-release thread or something... it was basically all my theories about her mother being the one who decided to send her to boarding school cause of lana's drinking and being wild out in their small town bringing shame to the family and patty was probably rageful and mean towards her while rob doesn't seem like the type to intervene when patty got upset... im sure the post is still there somewhere but then i got attacked cause apparently i was talking shit about patty and didnt know anything
  3. i wrote an essay on patty being the issue years ago and not her father when we knew nothing about their relationship and she was still very silent on the topic and i was attacked for it... now what
  4. im sure lanaboards will be camping for every midnight until the song's out so no worries
  5. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    not me coming into this thread to read marinara needs dr. rape in 2023, the final nail in her career coffin
  6. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    she needs to get a job
  7. bottoms think they can get away with being lazy just because they douche
  8. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    neither, she should give up on the woman stuff
  9. the verse? When I look back, tracing fingertips over plastic bags I think, "I wish I could extrapolate some small intention Or maybe get your attention for a minute or two"
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