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Posts posted by 5adboy

  1. azealia banks is disgusting. I know she has bipolar disorder, but that shit does not mean that you can be internally misogynistic, transphobic as fuck, homophobic, and fatphobic. I have friends with both bipolar and bpd but they are able to conduct themselves with dignity and respect for other people. She's so obsessed with lana it's not even funny

    Not surprised since she already fat-shamed Rihanna and Lizzo. Her music is good but her personality is trash

  2. Marina's albums get always criticized no matter what :/ When Electra Heart came out people didn't like it because it was 'overproduced' and now (funny) it's a fan-favorite. Then with FROOT fans were saying it sounded too much like a group band etc. while it's her highest ranked album on metacritic. L+F it's not that bad, but not her best work forsure.

    She's already working on her 5th album I can't wait :)

    "Purge the Poison"


    "Pink Convertible"


  3. I’m honestly not surprised she has already written some songs cause she finished NFR back in 2018 with How to Disappear being the last song she wrote and (she said the last song recorded was FIILY in 2019).

    A year is not bad, we know Lana’s best works are the ones that she recorded the quickest (HM, NFR)

    so I hope she doesn’t delay it that much


    Maybe the new album will be associated with the poetry book ;)

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