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Posts posted by jazzsinger

  1. i wish lana would find the sweet spot between exaggerated desperation and uncreative apathy in her lyrics. i love NFR's sound and her vocal delivery in it but it's not riveting on a lyrical level (if anything just a bit cringeworthy). i think there were points on UV and HM where she hit the goldilocks zone of self-awareness, but still with total authenticity and consistency with the visual landscape she curated over her work (Brooklyn Baby, Sad Girl, Terrence Loves You, Honeymoon, High By The Beach come to mind). LFL was corny more often than not with exception for Love, Heroin, and Get Free. 


    though i guess for NFR's extra kitschy vibe and her "look" for the era pairs well with the laid-back, valley girl casualness of the lyrics. however i just feel like the usage of excessive expletives in this record are like whipped cream-- good in small doses but mostly bland or oversaturated and certainly not filling for the appetite. it's a bit tryhard "i dont give a fuck"... but what lana does best IS give a fuck. i hope she realizes shes always been admirable and respectable even in her less dignified lyrical moments.


    idk if any of this makes sense but its been a minute


    I agree and I've literally been thinking about this all day... I know its not fair to compare albums but I cant deny that UV and HM are her most sophisticated albums and extremely progressive, lyrically speaking. I feel like theres a "bar" "fuck" "car" "America(n) "poetry" or "blue" in every other line of each song off of NFR, I know repeating words/phrases is her thing, but it didn't work for me on this album. she also said this album was deeply introspective (hope/MAC/happiness/?) but UV and HM seem infinitely more introspective to me (how can you get more real than god knows I tried???) I feel as if the songs on NFR have so much potential but the lyrics are just lacking. that being said I do love a few songs off of the album, its still fresh so im sure it'll grow on me

  2. lana's appearance has to be "approved"? I have to laugh, I have to laugh. no one is saying you have to "like" her appearance either, but why comment is if its something negative? picking apart a woman's face/hair/outfit/body when she doesn't live up to your expectations is weird, why does it bother you so much? we all know a comment on a man's appearance is very different and less vicious than a comment on a woman - don't be naive, acknowledge the double standard, don't dismiss it because it makes you uncomfortable. you are further proving my point that a woman has to look a certain way in order to be respected. JB has nothing to do with this discussion. we are talking about fans of LDR chastising her because of her appearance.


     also... um, I find it odd that you can't distinguish the difference between criticizing someone's looks and criticizing someone's art - there is literally no correlation. I don't love everything Lana does, and I don't love all of her music, but I don't care how she decides to present herself because that doesn't affect her music, and I don't have a weird obsession with her looks. 

    It’s not misogyny when the same objective standard applies to all who stand in the public spotlight, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, gender identity or nationality. It doesn’t matter if it’s Nick Jonah, ASAP Rocky, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, or Justin Bieber. Geez, people trash Bieber and his appearance all day long, night and day, and do we hear anyone being accused of ‘man-shaming’ him?

    I thought LDR looked okay in that photo. I was defending another’s right to speak her or his mind about someone who was placed themselves in the public spotlight for almost a decade now. The real world isn’t Facebook where only your friends are involved and so everything is always pleasant and cozy.

    People saying everyone must like or approve LDR’s appearance at all times are the same ones saying we all must love all her songs or there’s something seriously wrong with us, something ‘homophobic,’ ‘racist,’ or ‘misogynist.’

  3. im glad you said something because those posts reeked of misogyny... like according to their logic Lana's worth is literally based off of her appearance. no one would even care if she were a guy... she's a public figure so that gives me the right to comment on every single aspect of her appearance and chastise her if she doesn't look like MY definition of perfect!!! she asked for this by being a singer!!! like get a life

    Yeah she’s a public figure and blah blah blah, but I mean my god what year is it? 19 fucking 50, aren’t we getting over women being “required” to wear fucking makeup? It’s fucking 2019, dismantle the fucking patriarchy, stop leaning into and perpetuating harmful societal norms like “she didn’t wear eyeliner and she’s a woman which means she didn’t even try”. You can try and deny what you’re doing, you could be completely oblivious to it, but you ARE the problem when you say shit like that. Yeah she’s a celebrity and that means she’s far more likely to be judged but let’s at least update the fucking criteria to be with the times. She’s wearing a cute dress and she let her hair look natural. It’s not like she showed up in a fucking sweatshirt and leggings and sneakers.

    My god.

    Anyways, about that NFR I sure am looking forward to it. Hopefully the season of the witch thing is tru it’s sounds really neat.

  4. I just rewatched the album trailer for UV and then for NFR and god :/ I hope NFR surprises me... idk what to expect after LFL honestly. don't get me wrong im sososo excited for NFR but im expecting to be underwhelmed...


    probably not unpopular but im trying to get over the fact we may never get another UV/HM again... I should've been more appreciative 

  5. Why does no one talk about SIRENS? This folk juvenilia album that is so underrated. It is so beautiful and raw... she was so young when she wrote/recorded it -- it honestly is a testament to how talented she is.


    All You Need/Peace is truly one of the most ethereal songs I have ever heard. I also really love Aviation and A Star For Nick.


    What are your favorites? 

  6. She, unlike the Gays, loves her coffee hot. I’d like to think she gets something fun like a macchiato but she probably gets a black with 2 sugars or something lol


    a macchiato is espresso + tiny bit of foamed milk (so a teeny espresso sized drink) and she's always carrying a medium/large drink. my guess is a latte or an americano (I used to be a barista)

  7. Eh. I moved here 2 years ago and have made a ton of friends and companions. The freeze isn't something I've experienced at all. Neither has my husband or my friend who recently moved out here. Most people I talk to agree that it's just a myth. 


    im a native seattlielite and have lived in nyc for 8ish months and the contrasts between the social culture of the pnw and new york are jarring. its definitely thing- not a myth. glad you haven't experienced it though 

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