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Posts posted by salp

  1. Sorry the interviewer guy bothered me. He seems so monotone, so emotionless, and so uninterested. Idk. His questions were pretty good but he just seems like some sports jock douche. Not the first person I'd think to interview Lana. Maybe I'm ignorant. Has he interviewed the queen before?


    I loved when he called the Summertime Sadness Remix her "biggest hit" and she replied with "really? You're gonna say that". I'd get offended too lmao. "Video Games" is definitely her biggest, signature hit.


    for real, i wanted to slap him across the face 

  2. ah fucking hell, more store goodies. I don't know why she thinks we want folded prints though. Anyone who missed out on the cd, have a signed print instead!









    she really wants sales this time huh

    do i want it... I've already bought her album a few times now.... sigh i've added it to basket... knowing full well more shit is going to come out that I'll want


    she looks so cute there, where did you get that picture from? I'm so close to stealing my mums credit card.

  3. Through her seeds, strawberry amplifies this message of dedication. Strawberry seeds grow on the outside of the fruit and can germinate even when soil isn’t present. Strawberry knows deep down no matter what the present conditions appear to be, she has the power to succeed. Strawberry magic is the magic of success through inner vision that sustains until the outer world is ready to receive. :smokes:

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