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Posts posted by expandableclitoris

  1. 1 hour ago, Doja Cat said:

    Where is all that energy around Nicki Minaj now? Where is that energy towards Kim Petrash? You are just pressed cause she shaded your fave. 95% of our pop girlies are just as vile f not worse Azealia is just not afraid to speak and she is brutaly honest. 


    Jesus christ, its really intriguing to me the need you feel to come here and use debunked fallacies to justify her!

    Have you checked ATRL MEGA thread about Nicki Minaj? The backlashing Kim Petras is suffering @ Twitter? 

    If your dumbass is allowed to keep thinking Azealia Banks is a role model, so is other fanbases!

  2. 14 hours ago, Volta said:

    you’re absolutely correct. I’m not gonna try to excuse all of her actions because let’s face it— she is very imperfect. she has said many nasty things that i completely disagree with. with that being said, azealia has almost always apologized for the abhorrent statements she’s made. she has apologized to zayn malik, sarah palin (as previously stated), trans people in general, the list goes on. and i truly believe that she was sincere and genuine when apologizing. as someone who lives with someone who suffers from the same exact disorder that Azealia has, i can understand how it would be very difficult to accept her apologies since it happens SO often. and it’s completely understandable! azealia has said so many gross things, you’d think she’d stop after a certain point. but she doesn’t. she says lots of offensive shit, especially when she’s in a dark mindset.. as someone who lives with someone who has bipolar disorder as well, i can tell you from firsthand experience that it happens way more frequently than you’d think, and this is someone who is medicated. people with bipolar disorder can say so many things in the moment and disregard the feelings of those they love and anyone in the vicinity. this is all me talking from an objective perspective, and i really think azealia needs lots of support and love in her life. her youth into her teenage years and her experience in the industry were all deeply troubled and i don’t think anyone would come out sane if they suffered what she did. 


    i hope this can help you guys understand where i’m coming from. yet again, i am not excusing her actions. i want nothing more for azealia than to be surrounded by those who love her so she can be in a perpetual space of love & empathy, but i don’t think that is a realistic reality for her. i think the main reason why i’m a fan of her is because it feels like i already know her so much… she reminds me so much of the loved one in my family. and i guess thats kinda fucked up, but there’s not much i can do. i love that person in my family despite everything they’ve done to me, and i put up with all their bullshit, because i know they’re trying their best. and i feel that same way about azealia.


    i appreciate you as an user and a bjork stan but sorry not reading all of this too...  by the way, i listen to her music because shes indeed a good rapper/artist.

    it just pisses me OFF the fact that people have to come everys ingle time and say "she's so UNDERRATED!" "she really didnt said anything bad, shewas misunderstood." "she has a mental disorder". i have bipolar disorder too and i treat people sometimes like shit but that doesnt give me a free hall pass for being like this.


    britney spears has suffered much more and shes not like this. sinead o connor is boycotted every time and shes not like this. and i could go on and on

    these are just lazy excuses for people that dont wanna recognize shes doing that because she knows the impact it causes and that people are always ready to apologize her behaviour.


    and thats why im always in this thread. i dont think she needs love and support, she was given that several times im pretty sure, but she chooses chaos. she needs the silence treatment


  3. 3 minutes ago, VioletBunny said:

    Also I’m sure it’s been said here before but Azealia’s early life and early career were not setting her up for success. People say she threw away her career by acting the way she does but the industry was already trying its hardest to sabotage her.. Her meltdowns are the least of what you’d expect from someone who’s been through what she has. 

    I’m not excusing her abhorrent behaviour but I wish people would have more empathy etc. She’s not perfect but like she’s had some really tough times and like other people said, I see worse shit tweeted on the daily. 

    also, just checked - Azealia apologised to Sarah (who does NOT deserve one by any means) and clarified she didn’t tell her to get raped, she told her to get laid. Fair enough!

    imagine coming on here to flex how morally superior u are to everyone who listens to Azealia.. then type this ??


    Well honey you just said telling someone to get raped isnt an insult... you shouldnt be offended by that!


    And sorry, not reading all of this, but no im not being empathetic with her ever. Imagine having to spend your night excusing someone erratic homophobic racist etcetc behaviour... Im sorry, but im indeed morally superior than that! 

  4. On 10/14/2021 at 7:24 PM, VioletBunny said:

    1) she was vulgar & brutal in saying it but I’m pretty sure it was in the context of Sarah palin being anti abortion that it was said? so it’s not like she just randomly said “get raped sarah palin”. don’t agree with it but still, it wasn’t an insult

    2) i think she was joking about grimes’ baby

    3) babes half the ppl on this forum fatshame lana 


    well then get raped too!


    mod note: user was banned for this post

  5. 2 hours ago, Doja Cat said:

    That's why I said 90% 

    well lets try calling zayn malik pejorative words as a muslim! or saying sarah palin should be raped... or cursing grimes' baby... or badmouthing lana because shes fat... or saying sophie and arca are "fake" trans women..... should i go on until we fill the 10%?

  6. 23 minutes ago, Doja Cat said:

    Y'all can say what you want but at the end of the day she was right about the 90% of the things she said, she just said them in the most wrong and brutal way. 


    yeah i def agree w her saying Doja Cat cellulite is disgusting! 100% right

  7. just came on this sunday night to say i was driving listening to a shuffle playlist of her stuff and damn. her work is perfec to drive casually

  8. On 10/3/2021 at 1:24 PM, Solar Fields said:

    For fellow fans of the Tremors franchise, this song always makes me think of the various bada$$ female characters in Tremors. 




    not a horror movie but this song of hers always reminds me of the latest Watchmen series reboot 


  9. Arca

    5 hours ago, monsterdino said:

    I think bz said that it's not gonna be a part of the kick releases


    thats why i said it... 

    4 hours ago, Volta said:

    am i the only one whos loving born yesterday... i think both sia's and arca's contributions were executed amazingly, regardless of what my personal opinions on sia's character are

    loved it too

  10. On 9/29/2021 at 5:36 PM, konnichiwalski said:


    I hope this is a Super Sunset situation and not a CollXion I+II.

    Idk why she keeps doing those vinyl exclusives.


    Because vinyls are merch, she gets more money from them than w streams and all that shit

  11. 14 hours ago, alittleparty said:

    Agree - Boys For Pele is the masterpiece. You could go into that one and not come out for years.



    the interludes, the album cover, the harpsichord banging, the rage... phew. she put her WHOLE pussy into it and it showed

    and im afraid i cant even pick a favorite track cause it changes from time to time, its just SO good!

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