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  1. MateusSN liked a post in a topic by Elle in Site Update COMPLETE - Read for more Info!   
    Hi everyone,
    The site is back online! I apologise for the time it took, which was much longer than I expected! Thank g-d Lana didn’t announce anything while it was happening..
    Aside from the time it took, the update went quite well. It was a smooth process all around, no real errors, it just took some time! We’re also now on a more stable server (which was the core reason for this whole update) so crashes should happen way less frequently during high traffic times.
    & as you can see, we look different!
    As stated in the original site update thread, don’t worry, all content that has ever been posted still remains.
    The site is still indexing, so if you don’t see some older posts right away, don’t worry, they’re just still rebuilding.
    I originally expected that we were going to be themeless for a bit and things were going to look quite plain for a while, but I was able to (somewhat) import the previous Lust for Life theme for both desktop and mobile; however since it wasn’t designed for these new formats, it is a bit disjointed and messy. I did try to fix it to fit the best that I could though. I apologise for that, but don’t worry, we’ll have some new themes coming that will be better designed for this new format.
    Essentially, this is just the first draft of LanaBoards 2.0. I probably could have spent some more time perfecting a few things, but I wanted to bring the site back to you all as soon as it was possible since we were offline for so long! I’ll probably continue to tweak things in the background here and there, but again, once the new themes are designed and brought in, that’s when the new version of the site will live up to its fullest potential. Some new functionality features are also to come.
    So, take some time to poke around & explore the new layout! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave them below & I’ll answer everything the best that I can. (I’m still learning too!)
    Two important things to note:
    Usernames & Display Names have been merged. Whatever was your last known Display Name is now your Username, and to my knowledge, is now the Username you will use to sign in with. It also appears that whenever you change your Display Name your Username will change as well, and will sign in with the new one. (May be wrong about this, correct me if so, this is just what I’ve gathered to understand so far.)
    Please check your signatures! Some may have glitched during the update, so please adjust them if needed/desired!
    Thank you all again so much for all the continued patience & support.
    I’m super thrilled for the future possibilities to come with this new version of LanaBoards!
    All my love,
    Elle xx
    (also, not to be dramatic, but this is one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. I’m now going to reward myself to a giant bowl of spaghetti, and then go to sleep for a very long time.)
  2. MateusSN liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in Interview with Portal Pop Online Brazil   
    Brazilian stans are always the most extra + messy of any and all fandoms.
    Sorry to say, but that's quite a feat especially with a fan base as fanatical as Lana's
    LDRA is a v nice site tho and I really like it !!! I'm scared
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