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Posts posted by ####

  1. Y’all dragging Poppy for being an abuse enabler while stanning Kim Petrash who literally gives money to a rapist + victim blamed Kesha is pretty stupid lmao

    Literally who said that?

  2. no, i mean that he's in this thread attacking people and stuff just cause he likes margo. otherwise, he wouldn't care less if people liked her even if she still worked with abusers. anyways whatever, we get your point of view, now just shut up. don't support poppy, don't stream her music, do whatever you want, but leave alone the ones who decide to still listen to her music or watch her videos. it's that simple. (and i don't even stan poppy)

    I feel like abusers just dont deserve the positive attention!

  3. shut up if you wasn’t a fan of mars you probably wouldn’t even care if poppy worked with abusers or not.

    I mean obviously, the only people that care about it are fans of either Poppy or Mars?

  4. ...every stan is calling their fave a "queen" and a "legend"

    ...Yes but in this case Poppy isnt any of those! The real legend is Mars Argo xx

  5. Is it that hard to separate an artist’s music from the actual artist and their wrongdoings? Like, the fact that she is an “abuse enabler” shouldn’t make it so that one can’t speak their opinion about a certain song or whatever without being bombarded by hate because of it

    Personally i don't think people that "separate the art from the artist" actually do that. Like it's okay to enjoy her music to a certain point, but if they like start calling her a legend, queen or whatever is where i draw the line because she just isn't any of those.

  6. y’all so boring and over dramatic

    “just say you hate women and leave” jdldjdkss are you all even serious shshdjdjjf

    Yes bc abuse is a very serious subject?

  7. Idk are y'all done spamming this thread about Poppy with negativity?

    Well she deserves every drop of this negativity. I'll wait for her apology, and then i'll talk about how i like some of her songs.

  8. Now how did that turn out <3

    Um very good for Mars because theres another hearing next month + she has a temporary restraining order? lol

  9. So youre really just ignoring her side of the story?

    Im not ignoring her side of the story, im just saying it literally doesnt make sense/is irrelevant to Mars' case. According to Mars' best friend, Mars only worked with Josh Moran one (1) time and that was for some random shoot during the GBTV era where Josh/Titanic/Mars were ALL friends. Josh beating Titanic up is honestly so irrelevant to the case like im struggling to see what Poppy was trying to do when she tweeted about it.

  10. You dont know anything about her omg.  


    OT: Time Is Up probably is the best song shes done so far. Up there with Money, Interweb and Bleach Blonde Baby.

    Also the music video is out!


    What do you mean by "You don't know anything about her" hhhh ive known about her since 2016 and she is frankly a disgusting human being that should not be supported but go off!

  11. time is up is a bop

    At this point she could release the album of the year yet i still wouldnt listen to it. This woman just disgusts me so much honestly

  12. Omg the wedding/prom videos got deleted from vimeo.. I mean thankfully i backed up like half of them but its still kind of weird they just got deleted recently

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