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Posts posted by paradisetropico

  1. saw a tweet from LDRaddic and seems there must be an article somewhere with the Director of Primavera Sound Porto and said" José Barreto, director of Primavera Sound Porto says Lana is the artist who took the most work to get to the festival, she's very difficult. She does 4 shows and takes 6 months off, we never know when she is available" and I translated the tweet and am unsure of the source/translation  but it made me think about how important it is for Lana to have the freedom to not feel confined to a rigorous and tiring tour and I am super happy she doesn't have to ... 

     I think it's so bad when artists commit to like 100 date shows around the world like that is insane ...


    anyways this has me thinking, does anyone remember back in like late 2019 early 2020 or so Lana had to cancel a few tour dates or something around the time covid was popping up but she was originally canceling due to her losing her voice and her vocal chords were in strain or something ??? I wonder if she is better from that or is it still something she has to keep an eye on ? and maybe that is also another added reason she doesn't tour so many dates along with the tiring nature and the confines of a tour... would be intrigued to know 



  2. 3 hours ago, NikoGo said:

    I love how elegantly she speaks and I LOVE that she has the choice to do whatever she wants and can say no to things. I feel like her stadium tour wouldn’t be good if her heart wasn’t in it, so I love that she said no 

    Same!!!! it is so lovely that she can do what she wants, and when the muse visits her, and thank god she isn't contractually obligated to release some music she doesn't feel connected to by a certain date. and that her team gives her such flexibility I love it; also her saying her brother and "his wife live in Louisiana" was interesting. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Mer said:

    I feel like maybe her band charges her an exorbitant amount of money (like 6 figures) each time they need to learn a new song, and that’s why she refuses to change the setlist :oopna2: 


    or at least - that’s my only explanation 

    because I am nosy , I wonder how much they make??? like the dancers and singers and stuff. im sure it is a lot plus free food? or hotels? genuinely curious 

  4. On 5/11/2024 at 10:00 AM, ldrzodiac said:

    Is there a livestream on Friday, or any way to watch this??

    wondering the same thing ? i hope someone films the entire show with a nice quality camera if there is not a livestream. seems i can’t find any full concert videos of her recent shows just little clips on iphones :( 

  5. 1 hour ago, jamesss said:

    weird how ethel cain added one of lana’s posts to her story… but she doesn’t even follow lana? idk if that’s just me who thinks that’s really weird lol

    Ethel was liking posts of Lana’s Met Gala look; i don’t think it’s weird necessarily… although Ethel had previously tweeted or said she didn’t want to be compared to LDR, she included fishtail on one of her spotify playlists of songs she liked and then obvi this post. i think it would be cool if they collaborated at some point. i wonder about their connection to Jack Donoghue & what’s the tea there ? 

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