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Ben Mawson

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Posts posted by Ben Mawson

  1. i'm sure they've fucked 

    well if they fucked, it's not so professional  :pft:

    A gentleman never tells and I'm not very professional so...

    Let's just say I contain Lana's leaks and she contains mine.


    where is he even from? idek haha but i bet its dreeeeaamy

    I'm from the UK, but I'm half-Iranian. So I'm the natural byproduct of a surveillance state and a state that suppresses free speech. You know, the best of both worlds.


    Why is it that in every picture of them he comes across as her chaperone? Also, is this his only job now, to escort her around?

    Eh, it beats repping David Hasselhoff.

  2. You're using Ben ( :benmawson:) symbolically, right? I've notice there's an assumption around here that Ben is solely behind anything having to do with LDR songs and copyright violations. I would imagine there's a bigger legal team though. He is, after all, just her manager, no?

    Just her manager? I'm also her lawyer. However, Universal Music Group also has a leaks team.


    Also, why does he look exactly like Ben Affleck in that picture?!

    ...perhaps because I have a nefarious plan to screw people in an extremely uncomfortable place?


    but why was Bel-Air deleted?


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