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Posts posted by Marcsuxx

  1. im gonna rip them. it'll take 7 minutes, then i'll upload them. so probably around in 10 minutes

    Honestly i hope it's really good quality. Not saying we won't appreciate it but imagine us wasting all this time and it just sounds like a really LQ recording.

  2. I think it's gonna be like Spotify, where "Download" is just to listen to it offline...  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

    Probably but people manage to rip things off of spotify all the time.

  3. if you need one then give me your phone number and tell me the password they sent and I'll use mine and then cancel after the download

    Honestly my credit card just came in the mail today. I'll do it.

  4. I feel like this shit has to leak within the next day other wise she's going to realize what's going on and take it down. I don't think this service was suppose to announce anything just yet and this is probably a mistake. SO GET YOUR SHITS TOGETHER AND FIND THOSE MOTHERFFLIPPING SONGS 

  5. i wanna make all of the candy shop episodes into playlists 


    If you mean make playlists of all the songs she played on each episode they’ve already done that. The playlists are on the candy shop page. 

  6. kinda cute

    SOPHIE just said the other day she wants to put out 4 albums this year

    I don't follow her as much as i follow charli so i didn't know tha tat all. Now it gives me hope. Maybe since Taxi is a Sophie track thats probably the reason why its been so hard for Charli to release it. Either way I'm looking forward to more sophie this year. Especially her collabs with Charli and Kim.

    my ideal single release schedule


    may 31 - 5 in the morning

    june 29 - focus

    july 27 - party for you (unless a homegirl wants to save it for an album in which case i will wait)

    august 31 - screw it up (feat. bibi bourelli) (people seem to think this is sophie or bibi’s song which i doubt but prove me wrong)

    september 28 - shoes or white mercedes or some other new track idfk

    october 26 - AN EP MOTHERFUCKERS with i wanna be with you, girls night out, taxi, and no angel (this one is a pipe dream i would settle for a no angel and girls night out double release)

    An EP on my birthday would be legendary.

  7. I think its a Sophie track just like Kim Petras's Its Your Life. Maybe for her "project album"

    Honestly, If it's a Sophie track it'll never surface. The last album Sophie put out was Product and that was years ago. I know OOEPU-I was released last week but it could be years before she officially releases anything again. We have a better chance of seeing No Angel and Taxi get a proper release than those two Sophie tracks. 

  8. For fuck sake just release your cover of no angel so I have something to live vicariously through. I literally have not stopped playing Taxi since you released it. 

    ugh, some part of me was waiting for someone to say no angel has been changed. I'm scared now, i can't see any changes that would be made to better the song in any way, the version we've been hearing is what we need charli don't fuck us over with 'updated' shit


    someone needs to describe to the best of their ability these changes to no angel. also someone needs to describe white mercedes asap. give us the tea please

  9. I'm pretty sure its stems for "Lies".

    Okay not gonna lie I’d if it’s the Lies stems I won’t be mad. Lies is my fav marina song. Nobody scalp me for saying that but Lordy the album sampler really wrecked me in the second chorus.

  10. Honestly please y’all. I saw they’re like 500 shy of 2k on twitter and I was like PLEASE I NEED AN AUDIO LEAK

    And I really hope it’s not stems. Like I know that’s pronbaly all they have to offer for the most part. Don’t get me wrong I like stems but they’re not really something I can do anything with. I’m not a mixer I don’t create anything so stems are pretty useless to me. I need a full on lyrical bop

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