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Everything posted by ultrabanisters

  1. all of y'all saying there will be news this week/next week/etc when we all know full well we aint getting nothing till march 29th comes and goes
  2. ugh i just want another FROOT style 7" boxset
  3. i mean i know but it would be nice to hear it from marina herself
  4. were supposed to be getting news on the 14th. so hopefully either another single, a pre-order or an album title/cover reveal
  5. don't wanna live in fear and loathing i wanna feel like I am floating instead of constantly exploding in fear and loathing
  6. fear and loathing is one of the best tracks on EH other bitches don't compare
  7. im so done what is this puta doing off to marinas new album we go stream handmade heaven on friday
  8. to be honest id prefer love & fear but love + fear is still cute imo
  9. not savages and froot slander rn... the stench savages is a masterpiece idc i dont make the rules sorry
  10. yes were getting a single then but she tweeted about more news on the 14th
  11. i actually cant cope omg were getting major news on the 14th. does that mean tracklist/album cover/preorder?
  12. ugh i knew it. someone leak it im joking dont marina doesn't deserve any more leaks in which case im hyped for superstar
  13. honestly im hyped for "you"... is it even gonna be on the album
  14. whatever hype i had is gone now. i know lana doesn't "owe us" anything but it comes across as so unprofessional when we're all in the dark speculating, when her and management probably know we're losing hype
  15. i think im the only person who really likes this picture skskskdj
  16. stop posting this video i cant handle the backup dancers eye-raping the camera it makes me so uncomfortable skskdskd
  17. damn ma is it that serious chill out and stop watching shane dawson conspiracy videos anyways can't wait for cinnamon
  18. all i want is some solid, concrete evidence from lana herself. not a random news website, not a ig fanpage and not from chuck or anyone like that. tbh until then im not gonna get my hopes up
  19. the biggest bookseller we have is waterstones im pretty sure there hasn't been a b&n in the uk
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