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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. i want a leak free era completely (for lanas sake mostly she deserves it) but if it’s march that is never ever going to happen
  2. 191 members lana rush announce NOW i want all hell to break loose
  3. one for each step she takes through the tunnel she's trying to inform us about that's under ocean boulevard
  4. i always think she misses the mark a bit when she doesn't use capital letters like The greatest always looked very strange bring back capital letters
  5. gonna miss this thread so much SEE YOU IN THE TUNNEL UNDER OCEAN BLVD LADIES
  6. shes such a troll we love you lana del rey lana del rey we love you
  7. so dnc meant nothing? do not cum stans lost!
  8. she said to herself she was gonna make the album wordy and just ran with it
  9. we'd do such a better job than the shitshow her team create
  10. i dont mind the long title but it sets off my brain not having capital letters but IM EXCITED LETS MOVE
  11. i knew this pre-pre-release was going too smoothly something like this was bound to happen
  12. trying to hate the logo so i can fit in but i just can't the logo is actually quite cute and the colour reminds me of the 60's
  13. if that is the real logo (which i doubt it i think you're trolling) it could be alot worse i dont hate it better than this monstrosity
  14. i live 5 minutes away from the beach so best believe i will be visiting the tunnel under ocean boulevard for my first listen
  15. adding the 'did you know' makes it sound like a storybook
  16. because every time i see a photo i think theres no possible way she can top how stunning she looks ... then she posts and tops me it ldr9 album cover will rip me apart methinks
  17. oh wow i always forget how gorgeous she is
  18. blue banisters was and will always be that girl and the ones who dislike it only do so because they listened to the songs we weren't supposed to have till they were dry before the album was out. she has gorgeous songs, personal lyrics, and one of her best single releases (blue banisters as one of her most emotional piano driven songs). i'm glad we're getting a new sound but i love that album so much p.p.s.. the vinyl lady told me in a fever dream the one of the vinyl variants is deep purple with clear streaks and its out friday
  19. he directed ride, tropico and national anthem (her three best videos)
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