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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. daily reminder that immortal is one of the best songs on froot, with amazing lyrics and a criminally underrated video mwah
  2. i want a deluxe with 4 or more tracks including the you demo and TNWWY/PDCM
  3. some ppl think tracklsit+preorder is gonna be july 2nd but idk why
  4. *2 months later* lana: you know i dont really want to release it now
  6. shes not even singing can miss thing please make some effort
  7. omg girls its finally happening lemme get my clown makeup real quick
  8. omfg we have a whole ass website dedicated to this puta and she wont give us any info apart from "soon" straight up disrespectful to be honest and kind of shows her character if shes knowingly ignoring fans so she can spend time with her hollow, clout chasing friends never thought id be saying im not gonna buy the album on any format but im not its what she deserves
  9. ladies you all said the same thing about norman rockwells birthday and look what happened
  10. i want neon nature level merch again or a retro collection for each era omg imagine
  11. hello miss del rey is back and my stan card has been reissued that snippet is gorgoeus omg the first parts meh but when those strings kick in... whew chile but that wowcam filter she used has to go
  12. the year is 2031 -gaga finally released lg6 -dua lipa has a vegas residency -lana has posted yet another picture of her poetry book to instagram with the simple caption of: "violets bent backwards coming soon kids" nfr is nowhere to be seen and is suspected to never have existed
  13. she literally knows shes being fucky and she loves it
  14. "i like the songs i put out" ok release more ?????????????????????
  15. page 2021! the same year nfr will finally be released
  16. should have learnt by now not to take everything liar del rey says seriously but here we are
  17. i didn't do my makeup babe miss del rey did it when she got our hopes up for nothing... clowns
  18. happy 2000 ladies! this is a JOKE... 2000 pages with no SOLID album news cant wait for the #NFRthread3kparty
  19. *dust since miss thing has done nothing for months apart from doin time
  20. if you really think its ok to have these views in the name of religion you really need to be woken up 2 women were brutally attacked here in the uk for being gay and its because of hatred. churches like these turn a blind eye to this hatred, and even agree with it, possibly passing it onto members such as lana herself i get freedom of religion, but i dont agree with blindly following something that incites hatred anyway to keep this on topic i dont think nfr is coming anytime soon
  21. some of y'all defending a homophobic church and a grown ass womans stupid decision to actually support it.. i have to laugh
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