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Posts posted by xcxc

  1. 51 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

    Before I sign off xoxo I suggest y'all stream Laurel who eats Sky up.

    Trust me, you will NOT be disappointed. She also writes and produces her own work mostly. Defs not a fraud. x

    Ahhhh my girl LAUREL, she's been trying to get in the spotlight for ages and i'm so happy she's finally getting the recognition she deserves. Love heeeeer

  2. 2 hours ago, rockwellfckingnorman said:

    spreadsheet? or is that inaccurate now :rollin:

    I think it is inaccurate now since we don't really know which one is the final version of it. I think based on that you can determine which is the Kyary demo, which is the solo version, and which is the very first demo of the demo (the one that mentions Kyary at the end or the one with Thomas?)

    Hopefully @1000Times clears this sometime :crai:

  3. 7 hours ago, Eclipse said:

    The album was officially called "XCX" in 2016. She had a huge rollout planned for it with an entire XCX universe and a brand. It was some hyperreal Paris Hilton type of shit. It was supposed to be out May 2017. Atlantic had huge promo slots and online campaigns made. "After parties" with fans. She had some ARTPOP app type of tech ideas. XCX calculators, Pet Boyfriend app that was like Tamagotchi.

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more stuff. It was a very ambitious and huge project that was unfortunately scrapped.

    Was there an official artwork?

  4. 32 minutes ago, Nigel Hitch said:

    yes, that one is an edit 

    Okay but I just listened to both files and compared them to the recording of the one she played in a livestream.

    The main difference from both tracks is the bass/beat drop at 1:36. The one that recently leaked is a bit more glitchy and noisy than the one posted by 1000 Times, being the last one more alike the version she played live (check the 'clarity' of the beat drops!). I'm not saying any of these is fake, actually my assumption is that the one posted by 1000 Times is a remastered version of the demo because it sounds more polished (hence the vocal effect improvement at 2:25).

    Livestream Recording: https://dbree.org/v/0f6227
    Demo V1 (Posted by 1000 Times): https://dbree.org/v/f781d5
    Demo V2 (Posted today): https://dbree.org/v/010f7b

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