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Posts posted by imbennett

  1. what projects is she working on rn? I love her SO MUCH. i read on twitter recently that she's working on a lot of shit but does anyone know how she's doing? I need new Ayesha material asap :crai:

    more episodes of the loose teens, production and songwriting for others, and some think she might be coming back as Ayesha Nicole Smith!

  2. Ok so I'm just discovering her music via Slayyyter. What is her backstory? Is she a former scene kid? And is she ever going to put her old music back on Soundcloud?


    It sucks to discover her just to find find out that she's quitting music and has torched all of her material, which means I'll have to rip everything that fans have put on YouTube.

    go back a few pages and there's a master post of pretty much everything she's put out

  3. I love Ayesha and want what's best for her, but also jesus christ, you could've at least dropped h4u on a diff account or something. I know it's selfish, but jesus she was gonna have an aoty in the bag for a lot of people and she just threw it away. I love her, and I hope some gets passed to Slayyyter, but it's lowkey maddening to be led on for months saying "it's still coming, i just wont be making more pop" and then just scrap it, disappear, and charge 75 dollars for remnants of it. I know I'm being selfish and a bad fan, but i'm a messy bitch who lives for drama and songs about god, sex, and cocaine.

  4. I was in the Loge so I had a great view of the stage and was right by one of the big-ass screens so I got great close-up pics (from the screen) and videos of a couple songs in their entirety (White Mustang, Ultraviolence, and Video Games), though they sometimes switch back and forth from me moving the camera from the screen to the stage. If that doesn't annoy you guys I'll put them up on YT and link here. And I'll start working on putting my photos in an accessible online album to share with you lovelies.  :kiss2:  :kiss:  :kiss3:

    oh my god....i was prob right fuckin near u loge sis

  5. I want those stems  :defeated:

    umru probably has them but umru is really worried about any of his other work w choli leaking so i cant ask him


    (ive heard a song none of you have that will never come out, no i dont have it but i might if i ever see my guy)

  6. THAT IS IT.


    I've had it w this bitch Canelle canola oil whatever the fuck she's keeping shit and if we could gather evidence we could get that teasin bitch fired

  7. Omg back in 2015 I saw MØ at Gov Ball in NYC and her stuff was relatively unknown at that point besides Lean On but I loved NMTF and was sooooooo excited to see her. I got to the stage a little late because I had to leave in the middle of Charli's set so I was pretty far in the back and literally the person behind me screamed along to every word to the point where I was barely able to hear her sing.

    i was there too, and i saw those people.

    annoyed the shit out of me

  8. can't wait to hear the tea

    hey girlies


    so my plans with xcx and her management fell through. I went to her meet and greet and mentioned the exchange songs but she was stoned out of her mind and couldnt even smile.


    "my fave is tko, i wish it was on n1a"

    "oh, right on"

  9. ok so when i meet her im gonna try not to offend her and also im not gonna post pics, i might try to get some audio recordings of us chatting about the album

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