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Posts posted by no1angel

  1. 1 hour ago, evalionisameme said:

    I don’t think fame can make you happy and she always jumps for it when her and Huck break up weirdly it seems

    This is a strange and overly personal take to make 

  2. 13 minutes ago, willfoshizzle said:

    I really like beg for you but what is going on with these lengths. As soon as it gets going, it’s over. Do we think the label is pushing for short lengths??? I could see it being a creative decision with a song or two but it’s frustrating if this is gonna be the whole album. I guess I’m a grandma cause i need something a little longer? 

    Listen twice 

    1 minute ago, Glitter Boy said:

    No no, you're completely right. It's just to get more streams :eyeroll: sorry but I don't buy the "listen twice" bullsh. 


  3. 52 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    I still think N1A's XCX3 and Pop 2's XCX4 making CRASH XCX7. Calling CRASH XCX5 makes no sense to me like sure N1A and Pop 2 were released as mixtapes but Charli herself said they're basically albums only released as "mixtapes" to get them out quicker without all the label mess. Pop 2 an album idc idc! It's an album. So is N1A. 2 very excellent albums. I never got why people make a distinction between N1A/Pop 2 and the rest of her "official" albums. Like, how is HIFN an album but isn't Pop 2 one like pls if she had the freedom and type of fanbase she had while making HIFN Pop 2 would've been released as an album. She literally just used the word "mixtape" so she could get those albums out like it's just a word and it holds No meaning. Sure they didn't get any music videos or whatever but did em warehouse Charli era videos really make a difference? And u could make the argument that that makes her pre TR mixtapes albums too, but those were clearly mixtapes released as mixtapes intended to be mixtapes, very different! This is the hill I will die on. U can tell me I'm wrong but idc I disagree look at the facts AND the evidence.

    I agree with you, but I think it’s just based off technicalities with the label and release strategies really. Like yes, we all think of them as albums but I guess just ‘officially’ they are mixtapes 

  4. 8 minutes ago, number1angel said:

    I wonder whether this is the official cover or just a placeholder because isn’t this an old photoshoot?

    I hope so… her & Rina look too beautiful for them not to use one of those shots as the single cover 

  5. On 11/9/2021 at 5:33 PM, Lukeb said:

    We’ve had that snippet for months, I edited them together and they flow fairly seamlessly. I only referred to it as Full Control as she says it at the end of the clip. Dima calling it Baby is more likely the title title, since they know other songs circulating. I can upload them 2 clips together if anyone wants to. 

     Please upload the stitched snippets :lolliney: I know I shouldn’t but I can’t stop listening to them. Her best song is coming 

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