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Posts posted by diplo

  1. Pretty sure it was the second one, but she said the version she played us wouldn't be the final version, she joked about the random guys vocals on the drop and said it might be cool to get someone else to feature on it


    she already had stefflon don  :rip:

  2. the only way I can describe no angel’s new production is that it actually sounds like a well rounded ready to release pop song now. The live versions do seem a little ‘empty’ I suppose


    yeah that's what I'd describe this one as too

  3. Funny thing she said she needs to work more in Party Party bc she thinks its too repetitive but Focus is waaaay more repetitive and its coming "really soon"


    Focus' melody kinda makes up for that I guess & makes it less noticeable. Party Party is more mumbly / just saying party party party over and over 

  4. it’s really hard to describe the changes but trust me when I say this new version is better than the one she’s been playing. I wouldn’t describe it at all as ‘more tropical’ though lmao


    hopefully i'm wrong then! just the one i'm thinking of has an extra breakdown and new bridge and stuff too

  5. I hope this no angel new production thing is not like ATA orginal version and SOPHIE’s demo


    if it's the same one I'm thinking of then it's not as drastically different but it's just weaker tbh... more tropical, kinda dated



    Now for the Charles Xbox version


    there was never a final version of hers she only made the demo Lol... fans just remade the new instrumental and put it over it ! it's not even charli on the final

  7. doubt she's excited to show them this exciting new track called Paris she made in 2015 with MNEK when she's been in the studio for months making new material for the single releases?? logic guys

  8. isn't she playing NEW music for the fans? why would she ban phones from recording stuff she thinks has already leaked? feel like the fave 3 unreleased songs question was just so she could put those on the setlist for the pop 2 show

  9. oh really now

    yes... she's also wanted to get gno and no angel out for maybe 2 years now and the label's just fucked her around. taxi is updated too so perhaps they'll finally give in and release them all in this monthly drop thing

  10. cue diplo: "hahahahaHAHAHAHAHA too bad you gays STILL WONT GET THE leak hahah !!!! :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :lmao:  :lmao: "


    ??? i'm perched for her to release it so she doesn't keep being harassed for a demo for another 2 years  :flutter:

  11. idk why people are so feisty when she’s releasing songs every month and even doing this unreleased song thing for fans  :crossed:  i’m looking forward to both  :flutter:

  12. myles: posts snippets of things dennis sent him and doesn't have in full


    also him: OMGGG MOVE ON SIIIIIIIIS!!!!!  :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: YAAAAARRRR  :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


    nah sis chily! it's you babe <3 ultimate loon of 2k18  :lmao:  :lmao:


    run back to ur musty group chat where u talk shit about people because you're bored with your sad pathetic life <3 <3


    honestly get a life sweets  :hooker:


    u both are clearly very upset for some reason hm

  13. :hooker:


    the forum's fun when there isn't salty loons like u coming out the woodwork as soon as snips are posted  :toofunny:​ 


    excited for friday!

    ultimate MELTDOWN  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

    u or what ?

  14. Your Cyber And Physical Brain Are Damaged Get A Life And Get Off This Forum You Claim To Hate So Much And Mock When Really You're The Insane One

    move on sis  :)

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