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Posts posted by diplo

  1. im confusd by leakers logic saying they dont want to leak taxi, that is supposedly over and done with n scrapped... because they dont have the right to... but they leaked pretty much the entire XCX3 album n had no issue with that??




    It's different people that leaked XCX3 and now have those songs or a selection of them


    Not to mention the label is on the prowl

  2. i'm not sure where you were spoon-fed these absolute lies from ahahaha


    actually, yes, i'm exactly sure where you were spoon-fed these absolute lies from


    rip. lmfao

    from multiple people


    as if it matters


    let the songs go and stop trying to dox people over them half a year later and wait for her new material

  3. the irony LMFAOO


    and yeah, i was not 'emailing around' xcx3.... but go off, anonymous person

    yes the irony of u trying to pin it on cybiko when there's multiple instances of you doing exactly what i said and that being the reason almost everything is beyond scrapped

  4. Dox, you mean what you did to get whatever you pretend to have?

    no one was doxxed djflfjk 


    and theres no harm in commenting giddy up and riling up a thread caught up on scrapped songs

  5. Igy but what's the point in storing things that aren't gonna see the light of day anyways 

    i dont have half of them but i'd ask that to her label and the people who own the rights to the tracks

  6. Do you think ppl will be kind enough to leak taxi n others if she doesn't ever release them... I can't imagine a life thinking about those songs in HQ every day... n never hearing them... ):

    probably in lq like everything else eventually yeah 

  7. the mess on here with collin still fuming over something that happened half a year ago when he was emailing xcx3 around over email prior to its leak then blames cybiko


    ironically we leaked nothing or you'd all be able to shut up about taxi and those other 2015 demo songs that are over and done with 

  8. Imagine having a cock so small you think hoarding a PC song makes you a man. And good job picking diplo as your avatar, I'm guessing you look like a pile of trash in real life

    my name is dipita and i have a vagina nor do i care about the song or being a man .


    and good job picking the crack whore as ur avi! 

  9. :flutter: thats really cool and interesting  :flutter:  wanna tease how different they all sound?  :flutter:  

    theres no point in teasing cause this shit is still ongoing when charli is over that song

  10. No, if someone leaked No Angel, he would leak more Charli. But actual Charli not this garbage low quality mess


    you mean his true romance era white noise'd demos garbage?

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