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Lolito Del Rey

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Posts posted by Lolito Del Rey

  1. I had forgotten Lana said on her Honeymoon account that she had written the most beautiful songs and that she coulnd't wait to show us, so that means she is past the 'writing phase', which means she is at the 'mixing phase' which she said it took a long time, 1 year for lust for life.

    This is why we're not getting any news, she must be so busy

  2. I don't know what to think about the whole «drama» that seems to be happening with Lana lately on her insta and Twitter. 


    She has deleted the HIaB snippet... But didn't she do the same with some LFL ones and got them up again after that? Maybe she will put ut up again... 


    The fact that she deactivated the comments section doesn't surprise me at all... I am not a big follower of stars other than Lana, so I have nothing else to compare to, but God some of her «fans» are awful. I mean, we have the easy job: to sit here on our asses and wait for new music. She has to come up with the whole thing and she gets criticized for it more often than not. And some of her fans are just so patronizing and bullies: Do this, do that, record that, do that peculiar style, don't be happy, don't wear that, don't do that to your hair. She doesn't have to report to us in any way. If we are not happy with what we hear, we have to take the high road and unstan rather than «bully» her. 


    the drama of expectations in pre-release is part of the fun, I get it and enjoy it, but I learned that I have to let her do her own thing, let her come through with what music she believes in at the moment, and not have my expectations too high on a date, or a peculiar style or mindset. It is only then that I am able to enjoy the new stuff coming out, though it might be different from what I had expected in the beginning. 

    This is the TRUTH! Lock this thread and make this the last statement

  3. I don't think she deleted HIAB because she is obligated due to it being released soon, I assume she deleted it because she got mad at her fans taking her genuine kindness and general attitude towards greeting us and stuff for granted and shitting on her as soon as she fucks up literally ONCE so she didn't feel like "singing to her babies on the tour lyfe" at the moment and decided to ditch it in anger


    That'd also explain her blocking the commenting entirely since they were nasty here and there in these recent posts


    Idk maybe I'm reaching but I'd be pretty pissed if I was in her shoes she after all IS the most graceful celebrity now

    If this is true... I hate some Lana "fans", they are inmature, dumb, say stupid things like " queen of earthquakes" and the phrase I hate the most: "Omg I don't want Lana to be happy, bring back sad songs plz"

  4. reminds me of the song she played for the kids at the hospital

    Speaking of which, where's Starry Eyed 2? She said she would complete it... anyway we're patient

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