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Posts posted by ItsRavenHunty

  1. 3 minutes ago, NEXTLIFE said:

    Remember those are recent songs, stfu about those and beg for shitty Sophie 2016 demos

    yall really think that charli gonna give us hifn deluxe still after all this time O_o

  2. 2 minutes ago, LiFELiNE said:

    you are obscene 

    im sorry if my opinions and the way i conduct myself on this thread get under your skin lmao its truly not that deep i dont get on this thread to be loved by everyone im not that self obsessed im literally on here because i enjoy discussing with others who dont mind hearing other peoples views on shit that happens within the fanbase of the  artist that the thread is on about ... if other peoples opinions bother u that much u probably should be on forums luv ;)

  3. honestly all other things aside i really do hope @1000Times shares the rest of hifn outtakes since they are a year old almost  .. truth is we were never getting that deluxe sis literally upload the remixes of the other songs that she did release on soundcloud ....  that is if they choose to share those other outtakes or just anything more is appreciated because they dont have to do this im sure there just being nice 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Heartbreak High said:

    ya'll are so dramatic just cause 1 song from HIFN leaked, an album that was already released and did very well. Also she literally played most this song on insta live for us. Wait until the other HIFN outtakes surface :hooker:


    Several major artists this year have not been safe from leaks. It inevitable. Look at Mileys album leaked several months before release and Dua, now same thing is happening with Slayyters album. It happens mostly to the artists who have a large gay fanbase,  the gays seek out their unreleased by paying hackers for them.

    agreed so dramatic as if the whole original charli album didnt leak weeks ago this shit is funny 

  5. 1 minute ago, whiteroses said:

    on another note: i can't wait for the new era to start and finally hear this janet-inspired album:party:

    im pretty sure she was more working on this than the hifn deluxe that bit the dust mostly around the end of june lmao hope she tweets the cover to the next album soon 

  6. imagine having morals about material from a year ago leaking that we have already heard from the artist her self in full.... made with fans during a crisis a full diy album at that as to the other 53 + songs we got of b sides from charli where the poor woman was obviously singing about going thru it mentally because of love and what not lmaooo mess

  7. 1 minute ago, LiFELiNE said:

    you do know she never said HIFN deluxe was cancelled right... its obviously gonna be eventually released. for a charli stan you sure have absolutely no respect for her nor her work 

    no respect lmao sis dont act like some of you didn't listen to all of xcx world , and any of the other 1 million leaked songs we got this month .. you do realize that listening to any leak could be consider disrespecting the artist cause most of the songs im sure charli didnt even want us to hear tbh so lets not act like listening to a 2020 leak is any worst than anything old

  8. 2 minutes ago, misslonaxo said:

    Whoever leaked If I Cried needs mental evaluation why would you leak upcoming work, if Charli's team finds out they're gonna think Charli was "hacked" again or something.

    i hope your joking this literally was from hifn it was scrapped and we had already heard most of it anyways on her ig live and zoom calls calm down loud lucy

  9. 25 minutes ago, Ceremonials said:

    No offense but why does she keep trying to get us go listen to these boring pop girls ?? Like i get shes mentoring them or something but they're fucking awful :/ 

    lmfaooo some of the girls are good ... i like that charger song but im ready for xcx5

  10. 4 minutes ago, Nigel Hitch said:

    moonlight demo, tonight? just sayin:usrs:

    i would love to hear her demo for I, U and Us for Raye by charli im surprised it hasnt leaked that song could have easily went on number 1 angel

  11. 1 minute ago, HEARTCORE said:

    theres a chance she could still release them so

    oh absolutely id take them either way tbh i was really put off she scrapped breathe out , kiss me to sleep and if i cried since they all were fan faves more wanted than c2.0 which isnt a bad song but could have easily been left off ...  and i assume 2hot is breathe out since at the beginning of the demo it literally sounds like shes says 2 hot 


    1 minute ago, NEXTLIFE said:

    If 1000 Times should leak something, he should leak Japan Demo, in HQ.

    This song will forever be one of her best unreleased ever.

    that song is trash omg leave it like it is .. shes like twin the you and me the radio both garbaaggge

  13. SZA

    24 minutes ago, Total TKO said:


    i still don't understand is new album = music dump? or is new album all new material and music dump is scrapped? if so istg...

    lol the music dump was suppose to be a bunch of ctrl outtakes to hold us off before the new album ... sis keeps flaking on everything  ultimately i see this damaging her career cause eventually people will stop giving a fuck

  14. 16 minutes ago, Danny Milk said:

    people still care about rubber band (also surprised it still hasn't leaked)

    yeah someone was selling it for 1000 dollars and 100 to a selected few lol honestly its not worth ... i want the rest of simc tracks likes never run away and day and night  hoping the full hq of golden g string demo leaks cause i prefer it over the final because of the christmas vibe it had before it sounded more like a real pop ballad imo

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