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About Taxi

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  1. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    We need George Daniel to produce the next album!
  2. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    All the tricks the stunt double was doing :deadbanana: :deadbanana:
  3. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    Miss U going top 10 Charli songs
  4. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    She's officially leaving the leaks in the past
  5. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    https://twitter.com/charli_xcx/status/1162153096107003904 At least she acknowledged it :deadbanana:
  6. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    I love Flash Pose so much! I wish it was like 30 seconds longer
  7. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    They're on Fckyeahcharli on twitter
  8. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    I really wish the entire album wasn't being spoiled but whatever :toofunny:
  9. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    Azealia deleted the Charli post because everyone was dragging her for making absolutely NO SENSE
  10. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    Kinda sad this remix is better than the actual song
  11. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    We da best taxi https://twitter.com/xcxheadsreddit/status/1139174365403275265
  12. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    I'm gonna assume this isn't what it'll sound like because I don't want to get my hopes up This song is already nuts without them
  13. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    She really is skipping over Florida :toofunny:
  14. Taxi

    Charli XCX

  15. Taxi

    Charli XCX

    Big Freedia and SOPHIE are always amazing together
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