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Posts posted by highbybeaches

  1. Taking a vow not to post on this thread until something new happens.

    Who's with me? 



    Well I hope that Melanie explains herself better soon because right now it's not looking good for her

  2. well we don't know the girls personally. you guys need to stop acting like you have all the facts when all you have is what they've given you. I've also seen many rape cases go to court and people get charged innocent or guilty with little proof. the pictures of melanie and all the dates lining up with the her story could be enough depending on the judge

    At the same time a lot of cases are dismissed, but i do agree that we don't know all the facts

  3. so is timothy going to try to take melanie to court or is she just exposing her?

    What would going to court do, there is no way either of them can prove whether it happened or not. We only have their stories and accounts to rely on (timothy had a much stronger conviction and story)

  4. this makes me really feel the "bitch fuck" in cherry.


    a fucking wordpress entry about a TWEET. not even a whole paragraph she wrote. god damn. give her a break


    I see many trigger warnings for these articles. that's a whole #lul right there. shouldn't even be reading those type of posts to develop feelings on them if you can't handle the word "rape"


    may god bless me if some girl accuses me of rape over a twitter thread


    tl;dr melanie didn't say she raped timothy nor has she made an official statement on it.

    On the trigger warning while you might find it ridiculous, people do actually get triggered seeing or reading about certain traumatic things that have happened to them.

    Melanie has made a statement that she has decided to stick by, even though it has practically given weight in favour of Timothy's account with the "She never said no" which is something many rapists say to try and put blame on the victim.

  5. 1: Melodrama- Lorde

    2- Lust For Life- Lana Del Rey

    3- MASSEDUCTION- St.Vincent 

    4- Ctrl- SZA

    5- reputation- Taylor Swift

    6- Blue Lips- Tove Lo

    7- Tell Me You Love Me- Demi Lovato

    8 DAMN.- Kendrick Lamar 

    9- Number 1 Angel- Charli xcx

    10- Rainbow- Kesha

  6. i started crying. this hurts my heart. everything. the fact that Melanie will see the hatred towards her, the fact she may have been confused in the moment by Timothy, how Melanie have been misunderstood, the way someones life and career is over. people will hate the fans of her still, people will hate the accusers of her, but i hope people will forgive, forget, forgive and not forget. It's a sensitive subject to everyone. but at the end of the day, if you believe in a God or not, this is between Melanie, her own God, and Timothy. 

    If you think people calling her out her disgusting actions is hate, then you need to get your priorities straight

  7. I'm sorry, but this situation has nothing to do with feminism, it wouldn't matter either way if she raped a boy or a girl, both victims situation is the exact same. This has to do with how a human should treat another human.

    Well feminism does come into play with how seriously people take the situation 

  8. Timothy told Newsweek that Melanie called her up right after Timothy told about what happened. Melanie was all like "I have a healer that will help you!!" and stuff like that. The photo of Melanie in handcuffs is real, btw. So messed up.



    Here's the full article if yall wanna read; http://www.newsweek.com/melanie-martinez-rape-allegations-timothy-heller-736251

    Yikes Melanie seems like a extremely condescending person with the "healer" nonsense 

  9. Had Melanie come out as bisexual even?

    If not it's even more fucked up that she used her 'closet' as a way to corner and manipulate others. Like she didn't think it was abuse because bisexuality is 'just a bit of fun' no matter what. How fucking dangerous is that.....

    It's also misogynistic if she never thought it was abuse just cause she doesn't have a penis and thought it wouldn't damage these girls as much as if she was a male

    I never did see her as a feminist so it all adds up now

    I completely agree, looking back there were some signs that she was "off" for a lack of better terms. After finding more out about her friend Yungelita that was when i really started questioning my choice to stan her and now that all of this has come to light; it's not that surprising that she would do this kind of thing.

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