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Posts posted by TrailerParkDarling

  1. can someone pm me brooklyn baby btw :)


    i'm ready 4 all the tracks cept pretty when you cry.. her voice just sounds like its distorted in it. but the stars shine for you, my love reminds me of the lyric from noir. old money tugs at my heartstrings thinking of this girl



  2. It would explain a lot, but honestly she's probably just putting some sauce on a weird cult she spent hours reading about online as a teenager and got into. Lizzy Del Grant probably did not live in some weird commune with other teenage girls and a big charismatic "daddy" figure.


    Do you know what UV is? a 60's/70's throwback album. Do you know what was a "thing" then? Being in a cult. She's the best fanfiction writer tho. 


    haha you're very astute. I think this is also a case of her over obsessing about authenticity.. like sometimes she acts like she doesn't care and sometimes she builds these back stories or ..whatever to make her lyrics personal/ have a deeper meaning.  She's the strangest person I've ever not known lol

  3. U know what guys.. I understand that some of you don't care about feminism or you don't understand why it's such a big deal that Lana doesn't.. (by the way, I'm noticing nearly all of you that are saying this are males) but it's completely valid that some users are angry by what Lana has said.  Personally, I get what she is trying to say in this particular interview.. but then I wonder if it's just what I am wanting her to say.  I'm done with the feminist question, as well as questions about the SNL backlash, shelved album (Lana Del Ray) questions, and name changes questions. They are boring and evoke similar withheld responses from Lana.  Clearly she's not interested in discussing any of these topics.  I guess that's why she really shines in radio interviews because we can actually hear the tone of her voice and it's just more fluid than a print journalist having set questions/ searching for an angle.

  4. What the fuck guys? The love of her life!!!! The record exec .. is this Van? Oh my--- if my boyfriend ever called some other woman 'the love of his life' I'd die lol


    The feminist/Tesla quote was dumb but this is good.. I like what she says about hardcore luv too 8) “My idea of a true feminist is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.”


    She seems so sad though. Those Money, Power, Glory lyrics sound rly good

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