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Posts posted by TrailerParkDarling

  1. Look at that pic I posted next to my default pic. I think they look really similar (except Jennifer Jason has more favor towards Chuck imo)


    Someone once posted that lana looked like the sister from 16 candles on her (fan) facebook and she laughed




    i think its the nose but compared with this pic:




    they do look v similar! i also see a bit of vivien leigh

  2. Arthur Lynn was the lead singer for Angiescreams, which at least partially shared (if not completely) the same lineup as the Phenomena/Rich Whores minus Lizzy. These two posts from a blog of his are very telling to me.


    oh my gahhhhd im bowing. And Diet Mt Dew was posted in 'drug' HMMMM. im so confused!! I wanna say something shallow but I won't just know I'm THINKING it. haha


    Pictures of Axl rose on his myspace. Also, he put up a picture of Diamond Dave and his tags say yo mama's apple pie lmao




    angie screams also has a song called "without you" and an album called "radio"

  3. I swear I'll buy some Jimmy Gnecco merch if I ever get the chance to meet Lana and just go to her show in a tee shirt or something. Just that casually :P I KNOW I've seen the screenshot of "Yayo" on his Facebook...it was on a search engine or something. But I'm half convincing myself that I'm just crazy and that never happened. It's really all I could ask for right now.


    Relationship discussion probably should be under Lanalysis, really...For instance, I didn't know she may have had a fling with Arthur Lynn! Gosh. Maybe earlier in her career it was more appropriate to ask for names and such...but to actually track them down? Wow!





    Found this.. (I didn't screenshot it, I just googled)





    (crying b/c her default pic is a picture of my boyfriend how sweet of her)

  4. How are you guys this good at stalking. Can you teach a training class?


    lol just going through google with various phrases and fixing the years. mostly its luck. a lot of the articles that I bet were the most interesting have been removed.. same with pictures.. they've either been removed or made private

  5. Yeah, it's Justin Murdock, a billionaire, sole heir to the Dole fruits fortune. The Murdock's used to own the island of Lanai in Hawaii, but they just sold it to Larry Ellison. The guy is single, and a good friend of Lana.


    By the way, according to Sun (UK newspaper), Lana is spending this week with Barry driving around Scottish Highlands (beautiful place as those who have been there know).


    Thank you!! I remember he also drove her to one of Jason Wu's parties....also, he was once sued for sexual harassment.

  6. That I did know. But there are pictures of her walking around with him outside of the context of this footage, right?






    put me onto yer black motorcycle~


    also, did anyone ever figure out/ know who this guy is that took lana to the charity event




    maybe the guy whose couch she was sleeping on? lmao

  7. OH also Jimmy's band (OURS) once toured with Guns n Roses (also Slash was in Velvet Revolver w/ Jimmy for a while) and Velvet Revolver toured w/ Marilyn Manson as well.. so maybe Lizzy knew Marilyn/Axl through Jimmy.. and was trying to get info on him through them (jk probably not) ?? I don't even know much about Jimmy but I think him and Lizzy would've make a good looking couple

  8. Chuck is so pretty, makes even Lizzy look homely at times.


    Also here for MANY Mermaid Motel videos. That reminds me--who the hell is the guy in the "Carmen" video?


    Chuck has the best hair ever


    His name is Josh Rachlin, just a random model apparently..I'm not sure. Something some people don't realize is that the Carmen footage with him in it is actually in the original Blue Jeans, as well. So it was filmed quite a while ago

  9. Post whatever you find about Lana/Lizzy/Lizzi/Lizzie/May on the internet here or just random tidbits people have told you about Lana that you do not have sources for here.

    Basically a good way to do it is to search one of her many names and change the year range via google. If you are looking to talk about things that you believe are true/theorize about Lana's life/inspirations/lyrics, see *LANANALYSIS* ..this is just a place to talk about stuff that has been found online/ information that may be true, may not be, who knows.

    Some Interesting Articles:


    • Affirms that she recorded something with "The Knocks"


    • The original title of LDRakaLG was "God Bless America", talks about Lizzy singing in church choir


    • Talks about her influences and kissing a handsome record exec (presumably Van)


    • Not an old interview really, but it's one of my favorites. She seems to share more with GQ

    Randomly saw this picture of a guy named "Ray" next to Lizzy.. probably just a coincidence but interesting nonetheless!


  10. wth, now Reeve and Van are friends? Also, on the topic of Van--what makes us believe they actually were together?




    Interesting...is he too innocent to link to? I guess there's a chance that their relationship wasn't dating, per se, but it's a new puzzle piece. Considering "A Star for Nick" was written in the May Jailer era and I believe some of those songs are about a different guy entirely (perhaps even a real jerk, like in "Pride", which would fit with your description of him as a sleaze), this could be legit.




    No, doesn't she have a loopy M-thing tattooed on her hand?


    I'm honestly just assuming they were friends/knew each other since Van worked for A&R + 5 points which Lizzy was signed to. Reeve isn't listed as an artist but he's in the pictures http://www.myspace.com/5pointsrecords


    These are the Lizzy pics on Nick's myspace. They were also somewhere on his music site. http://www.myspace.com/athingortwo/photos/67907396#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A67907396%7D She looks so young here


    She's a 1million piece puzzle. It's all very confusing

  11. No, do tell!


    Well, back when I had my Lana tumblr I stalk​ed looked through myspace for pictures of Lana. I was the one who found them on Nick Fowler's myspace. He's also friends with Arthur Lynn. (honestly thought get drunk was about them for a while..oh and also reeve and van) Actually, Lizzy's pictures are still on Nick's main website, he's a musician. He also has reallllly weird pictures of naked women in his apartment being filmed..it's really strange. I won't make any assumptions yet, but yeah. + Nick is a very common name, coulda been sumone else


    He also has a photo album entitled "Ruby Tuesdays"


    Also, I do NOT think this is Lizzy



    Just the same name on the reverb nation site, this picture was taken in Brazil. Unless she's also spent time in Brazil.. lol

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