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Posts posted by liam

  1. First time on lanaboards in god knows how long! Pretty much just came back just to express my joy at the success she had last year in the UK. So crazy. Excuse my ignorance, but did she blow up elsewhere or pretty much just the UK?

  2. If you purchased it on iTunes, I recommend using the "Report a problem"-feature, there'll be link to it when they e-mail you the receipt of your purchase. Once you click the link and sign in with your Apple-ID, you can choose a subject called something similar to "Purchased the wrong product", and list your problem in the description box. I'm quite certain they're gonna exchange your clean version, for the explicit :) It's worth a shot!


    Thank you!! They've issued me a refund  :D


    So fucking happy with this album. I was really worried that it wasn't going to live up to all the hype from the last few years, but it certainly has. Over the moon for Azealia!

    Ice Princess, JFK and Miss Amor are glorious

  3. Ah man I watched it. She looked like a lost puppy constantly looking at Iggy for guidance and reassurance... ahhh no I wanna give her a hug! The whole thing just wasn't and it showed

  4. Aw come on what was wrong with it?


    I just thought everything was so over the top hipster and so try hard. I dunno I just felt uneasy watching it

  5. I can't deal with this video. Sorry MØ I love you and everything, but I cringed right the way through it. Awful. I agree with you guys about the colour palette and her eyebrows though - amazing!

  6. I asked about her old bands/projects and also about tracks such as Woman of Babylon, No More Seconds and Longing Bird. Ignored. I've asked her about Woman of Babylon before and she ignored me that time too. I wonder why? I want actual information about her music! I don't give a shit what her favourite Lorde song is... 


    I am SO done with her Q+A's  :bye3:

  7. So we're getting another opportunity to ask MØ questions and yet again I can't think of anything to ask. I had a few questions a couple of weeks ago and I've completely forgot them... I really need to start writing them down  :facepalm:



    MØ • MONDAY, MAY 19 • 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

     is flying all the way from Denmark to come to Tumblr HQ and hang out with us on her dashboard. Don’t worry about how to pronounce her name, though. You can just type your questions in right here

    Follow MØ, ask whatever you want and then tune in on Monday, May 19 at 1:00pm ET to see what she has to say. 



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