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Posts posted by Harlem

  1. It disgusts me so much someone would even do this. Not only that but all the blatent racism as well. So far the terrorist suspect is white, why do people always have to bring Muslims into it?

    Girl grow up tbh the last 5 major terrorists incidents that were a huge thing in england were all islam related whether you like it or not jesus christ

    Racism = not okay and it's gross to use deaths of innocent people as an excuse to push your hate on brown people. But on the muslim part (not a race, demonising anyone with brown skin as a result = fucking disgusting, talking unfavorably about one of many gross religions which is a cause of so much gross shit in the world = not racism) well yeah if they're doing it in the name of that religion of course it's going to be a fucking talking point lmao wtf


    and lol what white people can be muslim too have you ever been near a mosque




    • 29 June 2007: 2007 London car bombs: Two unexploded car bombs were discovered in London. The first device was found in a car parked near the Tiger Tiger nightclub in Haymarket. Two large gas canisters and a large number of nails were found in the car.[85][86] The second device was left in a blue Mercedes-Benz saloon in nearby Cockspur Street,[87] but was not discovered until after the car had been towed away as it was found to be illegally parked.




    • 22 March 2017: In a terrorist incident in Westminster at around 2:40pm GMT, specifically on Westminster Bridge and at the Palace of Westminster, Khalid Masood, wearing black, drove a vehicle into several pedestrians, crashing the car into the Palace's perimeter fence. The attacker then exited the vehicle, proceeding to stab a police officer who was outside of the Palace. About 40 people were injured and there were six fatalities (including 1 police officer and the perpetrator)

  2. This is one of my favorite outfits lana's ever wore, it gives me such an american lolita vibe, it's so cute beyond words and the color against her hair with the ribbon in her hair im SHOOK

    And the running across the sign scene is the best thing she's ever had in a music video i was defeated tbh I keep watching it it's SO well shot and just works so well and she's so cute and if you disagree you're a joke 


    i'm floored my queen

  3. Honestly love this place so much... from meltdowns to release date drama to chemistry jokes... what a journey these past 900+ pages have been! You guys make every pre-release era iconic in one way or another!


    For real though, hope y'all know how wonderful you are and have a great night/day wherever you all are!  :kiss:


    queen of emotional community bringing together comments  :crai:

  4. :defeated: I can't even pretend to be offended tbh.... it's true... Finnish has so many long words with too many vowels, but it has a nice rhythm when spoken (or I think it does, but I guess I'm bias  :creep:)

    Hahahaha!! One of my friends is finnish and 50% of our relationship is just us dragging the finnish language tbh 

    It's one of those languages you look at and think

    really girl.... really?



  5. If it was in the foyer it could've been done after all the bag checking and people had gone in 

    Doesn't seem like it'd be impossible to get in there while the concert was going on, especially since I would assume the foyer isn't too deeply in / because it'd be crowded as people left

  6. No it is against the rules btw, just because a lot of others have done it doesn't mean it should continue? It isn't fair to people who can't understand the language (and those people should not have to copy and paste everything into google translate either)


    I mean can you imagine how much more messy this place would be if we all just spoke our native language irregardless of communication barriers? Languages are great but on an international fan site such as this, English is preferred usually.

    I mean imagine if I'd written all of this in my native Finnish? no one would know what I was saying? I can read Spanish well enough but a lot of people on here can't, so maybe set up a Spanish speaking thread in the Conversation area if you would find that useful?


    I don't mean this in a mean way at all btw! Nothing but love  :kiss:


    pls lord no finnish is such an unattractive written language you guys have such painfully long words and shit 

  7. The fact that people are gonna use a tweet that was obviously just concern for everyone in general and nothing more from halsey to drag her is so tacky i hate pop fandoms like priorities man

  8. Must feel pretty horrible to bring all your fans together to have a fun night together for this to then happen to the people you were performing for - not really about her since she probably felt safe a lot sooner than 99% because of security and access to other means of exiting rather than being in the audience struggling to run. Regardless, pretty gross for everyone
    Thank god it wasn't a bataclan incident though, with the amount of people there this could've big even worse

  9. I've never been to major concerts or tours before (only local things here and there...), I hope to change that one day but incidents like these make my anxiety skyrocket. This is something that I'll probably have in the back of my mind and be paranoid about if I ever do go to an event like this. It's unthinkable, really, and so, so sad.

    Literally fucking me the last concert I went to I scouted out the quickest and nearest ways to get out if shit went down 

  10. probably not terror but eh discussing it here anyway

    everyone evacuated the ariana grande concert screaming after an explosion nearby


    'there are a number of confirmed fatalities' 

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