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Posts posted by PETRA

  1. please tell me there's not an invisible men version of taxi :defeated: (for when it does release)


    or is it more likely that SOPHIE will release it herself

  2. the leak was just a convenient excuse to break the news that it was never gonna happen  :magikarp: more chance of it now though tbh

    i feel bad for her she’s so stuck!

  3. (PS Hardly gonna leak a song that will take attention away from the song you all should be buying/streaming on Friday... Even though TKO was forgotten the day after it leaked PMSL!) 

    im thinking mid august, before the next drop? : )

  4. Unpopular opinion but I haven't liked the single cover arts (5itm & na/focus) so far.. I hope she uses the Too Cute photoshoot for this single because it looks like it could be her best photoshoot

    But i don't mind what cover art she uses tbh! I'm just happy Charli is finally releasing the song after wanting an official release for it for years

    i like it!! gives the songs a very special touch imo, especially with the textures and stuff

  5. BIOYL shits on all the exchange tracks.

    It’s literally a career highlight. I’m disgusted at the lack of taste in this thread

    because track 10 is just better?
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