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Posts posted by iseeyouupsidedown

  1. The fact that's it's been a whole day and there's still no untagged version of AATT makes me angry... All the time..


    Edit: ps even though I hate my mate Dennis, can someone send me it if they ripped it? Because now I'm just desperate to listen to the song and it's been taken down...

  2. am I the only who feels and see a little bit of magic in these old songs of Charli ?! Before sucker came out I was literaly waiting for songs like Heartbreak High, Cuts Like Diamonds, We Do This Everyday... Just because of the "Light It Up" snippet


    Same :( Angry All the Time is amazing! I hate the stupid tags throughout the soundcloud one so much though.


    Wait.. We Do This Everyday? I thought that was a really bad one lol... Maybe I'm thinking of a different song.. Maybe I don't have that one? Ugh now I don't know

  3. Sophie 2 is way too pitched... I can't even really tell it's Charli singing. Sophie 3 is cute. Not super in love with any of them though. I'll have to hear the real ones. Actually, the breakdown in Sophie 4 is pretty good.

  4. Regardless of what the video means, it seems kind of odd that Charli's barely in it at all... It's like a video for her song but not really her video you know? It's just a really weird choice of video for the song on her album I think has the most potential to become a hit... This video isn't going to help it at all...

  5. i think the video is about how fans put celebrities on a kind of pedestal and look up to/idolize them way too much to the point that celebrity culture is taking over their lives. i actually liked it.

    I kind of got that vibe too but isn't Charli shading herself big time then? It did kind of seem like maybe she's saying you're a sucker if you buy into it, especially when she had the "buy my album sucker!" Fake ad lol...


    And the whole thing where charli actually looked gross but on all her fan's phones she looked cute.

  6. I don't get it... What was that video?? That's so... Ugh. I wish it was about Charli and not that random super fan... I really don't know what the video is trying to say after watching it once lol.

  7. I think X Ray is for the next album! (Unless it was a confirmed song from a while ago). Honestly Angry A The Time kind of sounds like the next album sound she described too but I know it's older.


    They both sound alright, AATT sounds better though!

  8. Like it's season 7 and these are the established queens that tried out for every other season and didn't make it, they aren't the pinnacle of drag by any means. Do Jasmine Masters or Mrs Kasha Davis really hold a candle to Chad Michaels or Bianca Del Rio? (Well you don't know bc you haven't watched any others, but...yeah your opinion would be different if you had.) This argument was valid in the past when any of the old bitches were actually good, but now they are far outstripped by their younger competition that gets in on their first audition.

    This. At this point, it's clear there's no old queens left who are worthy of drag race (that are interested in being on it at least) because it took them 7 seasons to get on. The new queens are the future at more talented, and the old queens are bitter because they've been around longer so they think they should be getting that attention.

  9. I hated drop that kitty when I first listened to the first few seconds and then turned it off. But I had assumed that the "drop that kitty" part was the whole chorus. Then my room mate made me listen to it assuming I hadn't heard it before, and with Tinashes part the song is actually such a bop! It's going to be on heavy rotation at our house party tonight haha.

  10. I like The Game! I can see the similarities you listed for sure. I also hear Hannah Diamond! I think she does kind of sound like what Hannah Diamind would sound like if her voice were a little less high/pitched.


    I'll keep an eye on her ;)

  11. Y'all need to rewatch some of the trailers if you think X queen will make it farther than Y queen..

    I don't want spoilers tho >_> but I do remember the Violet look with the breathing mask which she hasn't done yet, so until I see that, I can be certain she won't be going home.

  12. @@SitarHero please the dress was amazing and her make up was kinda good. The beard + wig tho...

    The dress actually was pretty, but I would've been more impressed if she didn't hype it up as "the best dress to ever walk down the Rupauls drag race runway" because it was far from it. And her beard was just her chin painted black... Even without gluing anything on her face, she probably could've contiured a better beard out of makeup...


    On another note, I'm going to disagree with the people who think Miss Fame will make it to the top. Pearl, Violet, Trixie, and Ging will I think. But Miss Fame just isn't talented enough. She's very very pretty, but she can't sing, dance, or act... There's more to being a drag queen than looking gorgeous.

  13. Violet is being painted as a bitch for whatever reason. She made a suggestion to Kennedy who shot it down because she doesn't like Violet and the team suffered


    Violet didn't have issues with her performance and her look was great. I would've called Kennedy out too if I had done the challenge right and the leader didn't do their job

    To be honest that's kind of where even though I HATE Jasmine Masters, I wasn't totally with Ru on her tirade (althought im sure the editing made it appear different than it was). I mean, was Ru aware that Kennedy purposefully have them roles they weren't fit for and then switched them last minute? I get the no excuses thing, but that's kind of an important factor that reflects poorly on Kennedy.

  14. ask her if her pussy tastes like soda too


    (re: deadly nightshade, etc)




    etc? lol, I don't know what other reference she has in common with Lana, and besides, Deadly Nightshade is a real flower and I highly doubt Marina got it from a Lana song.

  15. alright guys, I just got an email from my boss AND


    I get to write the 10-15 questions Marina will answer in our interview. Any ideassssssss?

    Not something you can really ask as it is too personal and rude. But for how much she talks about being depressed, im curious what the extent of it was and if she's ever tried therapy...


    Something you maybe could ask if she hasn't directly answered it yet, is what she means with all the "someone's watching over me" stuff on Happy... She said it's not about religion but what exactly was it that made her view life so differently then?

  16. If Better than that's not about Ellie Gouding, what's with all the evidence in the lyrics that it's her!? 


    "with an angel voice"


    "she'll network til her dreams come true, even if it means getting into bed with you" (seems like someone famous for sure... ala "fucked my way up to the top")


    "Well I guess it's just what humans do" ('I guess we thought it's just what humans do' - Ellie Goulding, Anything Could Happen)


    "got a sour face"



  17. thank god Donkey from Shrek went home tonight


    LOL seriously.


    Really hope Pearl steps her game up because I still adore her. Even though it was deadpan, I thought her acting in the Shakespeare play was hilarious! She was going for a butch lesbian gym teacher vibe!


    And I love that the one new judge gave Pearl credit for being the only one to be really creative with the runway look, I said the same thing when she walked out! The paper mache was really cool. Pearl is just so artistic and cute <3

  18. ugh... Marlboro Lights had such an emotional impact on me and I like so much of her music... Now I just can't see her the same way...


    I always did think she sounded like an obnoxious brat a bit on her part of Angel Haze's "Black Dahlia"... Should've known she was a stupid bitch.

  19. Does anyone think maybe Better Than That IS about Ellie but Marina's saying it's not because she doesn't want to start drama?


    I think it may be one of those "you know who you are" things where Ellie knows it's about her and that's enough. Marina doesn't seem like the type to childishly single people out and start feuds.

  20. I'm not a big fan of remixes either, but this one is definitely one of my favorite songs of all time.



    Yes!!! That remix slays me so hard!


    Also, wtf that Better Than That isn't about Ellie... And I didn't know she had a response to it! Can someone point me to Ellie's response? @

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