With how dark this album has been and the themes she's touching on, it feels like this album may be a true follow up to UV, the UV 2.0 we've kind of been begging for for years. The sound doesn't match UV exactly, but it seems very fitting that the cover is in black and white, shot by Neil again, and she's back to writing about darker themes. Also, I have to admit, her songwriting seems to be even better here and I'm not trying to say that A&W is her best song ever, but for me, it's up there. It, by miles, surpasses everything she did with BB and COCC for me. I love COCC and like BB enough I guess (I like BB better than LFL) but the writing on this album has been so well done from what we've heard. The title track alone, with her comparing herself to a tunnel that's been designed with beauty in mind but yet, has been closed off and forgotten... It kind of goes hand in hand with what we've heard from here both on this album and other albums too. It's like she's invisible. She says it that way in A&W and almost shows a reflection of what she talks about in Yosemite ("it's not like i'm invisible, not like I was before when i was burning at both ends"), now we're seeing why she feels she was burning at both ends.
This is truly shaping up to be a top tier, fan favorite record methinks
I've been thinking about this too, actually. I've been listening to it and it's cute and fun, but underneath it all there's bits where it's really dark and twisted. There's that random jarring sound toward the end and she screams in the background and everything is layered so well to make it seem this way. Also, the lyrics "Shimmy shimmy coco bop" remind me of when we were kids and would do the hand slap games, which follows back to the idea of her childhood. This is a stretch too, but thinking about those hand slap games remind me of UV (title track, "he hits me and it felt like a kiss")