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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. i'm manifesting 0 collabs, i don't want any flops on a lana album. nope no thanks just lana herself please
  2. ew let's not get grandma madpooper in a lana album
  3. So since release day i think i put like 17 or 20 hours into Legends Arceus but it only made me wanna go back and finish the dex in Sword/Shield. I’m making my bf play Sword lol he’s still finishing the dex from BDSP and he needs me to play through Pearl because he wants the version exclusives from that game. Oooooo so girls what do we think about the leaked possibility for DLC in Legends Arceus? And gen 9 possibly happening this year? I kind hope gen 9 gets held off for next year so we can get really fun DLC for Legends Arceus, but who knows. They’re saying we’ll get both this year but….. its Game Freak. I don’t think i’ve ever told you but i love eevee so i’ve always liked seeing your posts bc eevee lol
  4. Only if it's okay by the mods tho, I don't wanna break any rules. Idk if remixes count since it's not released the same as an album version/single? I just love what you did with White Dress holy fuck
  5. is there anyway to download your versions? holy fuck that DRUMMMMM and guitar is so fucking good, i love this
  6. have you heard the original version?
  7. Do we know why Lana stopped working with Abel lately? He's put out 2 albums without her involvement and she's put out 3
  8. it's not that i don't like those songs, i love them, but they're unfinished and you can tell, she'd end up going in and releasing youtube rips OR give them remakes like she did BAR and i think they're fine being kept as not meant for any album, as is. we aren't even supposed to know them anyway besides, she's always writing and always leaving songs out. there's always more than enough for an album by the time she's done, she just always decides to put out older songs with a bunch of newer ones and sometimes they don't make sense together. sometimes they do, but then other times...? not really idk this is more of a conversation for the LDR9 thread but anyways
  9. i don't want them released tbh. just new stuff from this year/last year that didn't get a spot on the new albums
  10. she's posting again also, is that a coke spoon? omg new album title will be brown-string blinds, she's teasing us
  11. American Whore


    her and rocky will have such a cute baby omg she's pregnant!
  12. im not sure if you're from the US or not, but in the US, we call clothes what they look like. she might not have wanted to assume it was one thing when it might not be. that post was her being insightful and being grateful that she had a positive impact on someone just passing by and that then gave her a positive impact on her day, which she then wanted to share with us. she's thanking the universe that she came across this random encounter with a man at a gas station. that encounter brightened her day, maybe you need to hear something similar in your daily life to understand that simple idea. when she's talking about (in the same post) people who have negative projections, this is the same kind of situation and it's just not it sis. you're free to criticize, but don't be rude
  13. omg she's in the titty shirt out at dinner
  14. blues jazzy club, yes please
  15. i think there's a directory online
  16. nb4 it turns out DNC really means "do not call" and it's tied into that account somehow
  17. the profile pic kinda looks like it was taken with a phone which is something she always does. she always records or takes pictures of screens for whatever reason lmao
  18. same i have no idea if it is or not but it'd be funny if there was yet ANOTHER account
  19. YES THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT it looks like a phone number without the area code
  20. wait so there's actually an insta account called "thatswhytheycallmelanita" with a phone number possibly on the profile pic and it's got 80 posts with only 1 follower and they're following 9 people. is that secretly her? the account looks like it's been there a while
  21. omg earlier the name "thatswhytheycallmelanita" wasn't an account on onlyfans and now someone has claimed it and used another language (can't tell which language) on the bio
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