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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. omg wait what if she really is getting rid of the hand tattoos because it makes her more recognizable if she does porn like..... i never thought about that but yes hunty get it
  2. or if she released unreleased stuff there. i'd pay for it tbh
  4. i mean the only real competition is tyler but other than that... she got it in the bag
  5. is this from her new book or is this someone else's poem?
  6. yeah she said to someone that the next album is already better but then she also mentioned on her livestream that she'd already written a few tracks. i think this was like october or november, whenever she livestreamed on honeymoon. so we already know she's got plans for the next album, she could be already closing up with stuff on it or the cover album or the nikki lane album, we just don't know 100% yet. plus there's the DNC jacket that clearly meant something but we have absolutely no news on it. the jacket designed said something along the lines of not wanting to spoil its meaning yet until Lana's ready to talk more about it, so we know it's something we just don't know exactly.... what it is.
  7. honestly i need to hear a studio version of that prettiest girl song. it's not bad, it's not perfect, but i need to hear the studio version first before making a judgement bc i could barely hear lana. also, i know lana has said she doesn't like to be the main focal point to a featured song, but like.... can this not be a Nikki featuring Lana album? otherwise i don't think i'd care much tbh, it'll exist, i'll download it and that'll be that. prolly won't listen much if thats the case
  8. I haven’t heard yet but I’m prepared to take back everything I’ve said about Nicki if it’s good
  9. not entirely i think she's just got so much she's trying to do all at once it's hard to do it all. she's working on another album, in between she's doing the book and probably another spoken word album, this covers album, a possible collab album with Nicki Lane, and then there's other collaboration projects she's apparently been doing. i think she's just trying to manage everything and it's hard to do.
  10. I think the issue for me is that country music is boring and ALWAYS sounds cheesy, no matter the context. It just... sounds bad. There's no country music that I enjoy. Even if Lana does country, i think i'd still be bored by it because country music all sounds the same to me without much variation and Nicki is fine and all, on her own, if you like that type of music but personally I don't. And I think that's a very valid opinion to have. We don't all have to like everything Lana does but we can hope that she does something we all like. Like imagine a duo album with FJM or Florence Welch or someone else who has that cinematic sound or can make the music that sounds really alive. Country doesn't sound alive, it just sounds like a bunch of hillbillies singing about their dog, beer, their man cheating or some girl they met at the trailer park, etc. Who caressss regardless i'm glad Lana's singing in public again and maybe this means she'll return to doing a tour, even if it's a small tour. maybe another album out and she'll return. she's kind of missed the window of tour announcement if she wanted to do it with Blue Banisters or Chemtrails. i mean she still could if she wanted to but i don't think she wants to.
  11. not her posting during the Lipsters AND she hates the covers or something
  12. i have to go, Dan is calling (actually my bf is) so congrats to the rest of the winners, runners ups, and everyone else!!!!!! <3
  13. omg @TrashMagiq and @the ocean congrats! also congrats to @Elle and @Rorman Nockwell <3
  14. deluluking LOST?!?!?!?!?! congrats to you two!!
  15. i'm not clearing my notifications until the end of the show i have 31 up there so far
  16. congrats to everyone else, the website is slow and won't let me tag you but you know who you are
  17. I WON?!?!?!?!?! I want to thank everyone for nominating me and voting for me this is my first Lipster win and i'm so shook i actually won something
  18. Congrats @IanadeIrey & @lustforlife you both deserve the categories you won!!!
  19. Now its time for my song "Watercolor Slime" Why you always sliming that? Breakin up with me and then sliming me Just to make me slime I think that you slime like rock candy Sweet like beaches, that leave me slimy Why do you leave me with watercolor slime? Young slime don't always last forever Wild slime can't keep us together So what if it tastes just like slime That don't make it slime
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